جمهوری اسلامی مردم بی گناه را ذبح می کند!
سکوت نکن
#IranRevoIution #MahsaAmini
فهرست شرم
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شجاعت این زنان بی اندازه است...
The Iranian women's basketball team takes off their hijab and posts the photo on Instagram with the words "Woman, Life, Freedom"
**متن های انگلیسی که برای طوفان توییتریه فردا باید استفاده کنین**
هشتگ مهم که حتما باید توی توییت ها باشه↓
میتونین از هشتگهای
هم استفاده کنین
The IR is shooting at #Javanroud civilians attending in funeral of two kids who were killed in protests. The world is busy with the World Cup and overlooks innocent Iranians being slaughtered in streets just for protesting.
While the world is peparing to watch the #ENGIRN, the Islamic Republic is commiting crimes against humanity in several cities.
The Islamic Republic’s ruthless mercenaries started a massacre in the city of #piranshahr (in the west Azerbaijan province). In the video you can hear the forces opening fire on defenseless people…
According to reports, so far many have been killed and left injured.
این متن رو حتمااابرای جوانرود ویروسی کنید
خودتونم توییتش کنید
IRGCterrorists opened fire on unarmed people in the city of #Javanrud and killed a number of women and children. Why has the world closed its eyes on the crime of the Mullah regime?
Take action before it gets too late. Islamic Regime is using nerve gas against bare handed people.They don't let people to take injured people to the hospital.They locked down all the pharmacies. They don't let the donated blood be transferred to these cities.
Islamic Republic didn't allow blood transfusions from Kermanshah to enter the hospital of #Javanrud
This is clearly a crime!!!
People in Javanrud have been seriously injured and need urgent medical help.
The gas used in #Javanroud hexachloroethane is probably a nerve agent that temporarily disrupts the activity of the central nervous system.:!
If this not a genocid then what is this?
If this is not a Crime against humanity then what is this??!
The internet in #Iran is slightly going towards complete shut down. AGAIN!
Mobile data in some cities is already down.
They are going for another bloody November like 3 years ago, a huge massacre in radio silence.
In Javanrud, Piranshahr, etc., they are using war bullets, hexachloroethane gas (causes serious disorders in the nervous system) and other war weapons against the protesters. Let us be the voice of the Kurdish people
The repressive forces of the Islamic Republic in Kurdistan have attacked the protesters with doshka weapons and other weapons of war, such as sniper rifles, and are genocidaling Kurdistan citizens, be the voice of Kurdistan.
Hospitals in Javanroud are faced with a shortage of blood, but the repressive forces do not allow blood shipments to enter the Kurdish cities of Kurdistan, this is a genocide in Iran that was carried out by the Islamic Republic, be the voice of Kurdistan and Javanroud
In #Joanrud, they are shooting at houses and people with caliber 50 (belonging to semi-heavy war machine guns that can pass through a 20 cm wall), let's be the voice of Jovanrud.
The gas used in #Javanrud is hexachloroethane,gas that is probably a nerve agent that temporarily disrupts the activity of the central nervous system. After firing,two-step reaction takes place in the capsule where chlorine combines with zinc metal to form chloride
In Javanrud, Piranshahr usw. setzen sie Kriegsgeschosse, Hexachlorethangas (verursacht schwere Störungen des Nervensystems) und andere Kriegswaffen gegen die Demonstranten ein. Lasst uns die Stimme des kurdischen Volkes sein.
Die repressiven Kräfte der Islamischen Republik in Kurdistan haben die Demonstranten mit Doshka-Waffen und anderen Kriegswaffen wie Scharfschützengewehren angegriffen und vernichten kurdische Bürger, sei die Stimme Kurdistans.
In #Joanrud schießen sie auf Häuser und Menschen mit Kaliber 50 (gehört zu halbschweren Kriegsmaschinengewehren, die eine 20-cm-Mauer durchdringen können), lasst uns die Stimme von Jovanrud sein.
Das Internet der Städte Kurdistans wurde abgeschnitten und die Islamische Republik führt einen Völkermord in Kurdistan durch, lasst uns die Stimme der Kurden sein
In Javanrud, Mahabad, Piranshahr und anderen Städten Kurdistans wurde von der Islamischen Republik ein Völkermord verübt, lasst uns ihre Stimme sein.
Die repressiven Kräfte der Islamischen Republik in Javanrud schießen mit Kriegsgeschossen auf die Demonstranten und entführen die Verletzten, lasst uns die Stimme Kurdistans sein.
En Javanrud, Piranshahr, etc., están utilizando balas de guerra, gas hexacloroetano (provoca graves trastornos en el sistema nervioso) y otras armas de guerra contra los manifestantes. Seamos la voz del pueblo kurdo.