Happy Merry Christmas🎅🏻 I received a "DEATH RIDERS" jacket as a gift from my master.(@JonMoxley ) Someday I will wear this again and be together. I always climb the top of the harshest mountain with this jacket. And there will be something at the end of the dream. #MOX×#Shooter
It never ends. Continue to the future. I will come back to everyone someday. See you again. #Shooter #MOX #njpw #njpwRiot
久しぶりに新日本プロレスのリングで暴れたくてウズウズしてるみたいで、、、 大阪城ホールに‘’ジョン・モクスリー‘’を連れてきます。 僕は全力でオカダさんの首を取りにいきます。 オカダさん、お疲れ様でした。 #Shooter #MOX twitter.com/njpwglobal/sta…