🚫 #GUERRILLA MV hourly update 🚫 ➮ 3 am 🇰🇷 =12,039,076 ➮ 2am - 3am = + 998,525 [🔻409,407] 🎯14M = 1,960,924 🎯16M = 3,960,924 —🌱— ATEEZ GUERRILLA IS OUT #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial #エイティーズ #ATEEZ
🚫#GUERRILLA MV progress🚫 ATINYs, we have 14 hours left before the 24 hours of the MV's upload is up! We are currently at 47% of our goal! Stream manually, join scener parties and let's do this 🔥 — 🌸 — ATEEZ GUERRILLA IS OUT #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #에이티즈 #ATEEZ
15 more mins till the first hourly update and we need around 43k to reach 200k! Let's go 🔥 —🌱— ATEEZ GUERRILLA IS OUT #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ
🚫| YT Manual List #Guerrilla streaming list for the day is here!✨ Let's keep going no matter what!🔥🏃‍♀️ - This list is meant to be used for manual steaming! 1. search the video 2. watch it 3. do the same with next videos! — 🌸 — #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ #MOVEMENT
Our MASS VOTE is still going on until 5PM KST! Go WIDEN THE GAP, THE VOTING WILL END TODAY! Let's go monster voters 🔥 🗳️: mnetplus.world/community/vote… #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #Guerrilla #MOVEMENT @ATEEZofficial twitter.com/418y_/status/1…
🚫'Guerrilla' Official MV 🚫 Congratulations #ATEEZ & ATINYs! 'Guerrilla' Official MV has reached 15.300.000 views in 48 hours and 3 min! —🌱— #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ
[📽️]'Guerrilla' live on BTOB's Kiss The Radio 🥰 ➮youtu.be/jbD38cixv-A —🌱— ATEEZ GUERRILLA IS OUT #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
🚫'Guerrilla' Scener Party is starting in an hour🚫 ⏰10pm - 12am 🇰🇷 📅1.8.22 Make sure to tune in ATINYs 🔥 ~🌸 #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA @scener #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ scener.com/atystream/bBx5…
🚫| 'Guerrilla' Official MV Teaser 2 has reached 400.000 views! 🥂🔥 — 🌸 — THE GUERRILLAS ARE COMING #GUERRILLA_TEASER2 #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
🚫'Guerrilla' Scener now live!🚫 ⏰10 pm- 12 am 📅4.8.22🇰🇷 Make sure to tune in ATINYs, let's reach our goals ~🐳 ATEEZ GUERRILLA IS OUT #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA @scener #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ scener.com/atystream/wIIY…
ATINY! If you want ATEEZ to get more wins in the 2nd week of promotion, we need to increase our SNS points by boosting our Youtube MV views now. Please join us on now! youtu.be/2HcVZm_4qAI ROW UP GO FASTER #ATINYONDECK #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA
🚫'Guerrilla' Official MV 🚫 Congratulations #ATEEZ & ATINYs! 'Guerrilla' Official MV has reached 5.100.000 views in 8 hours and 41 min🥂 —🌱— ATEEZ GUERRILLA IS OUT #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ
🚫 YOUTUBE TRENDING 🚫 WORLDWIDE: ATEEZ #2 🆕 #Guerrilla MV is trending in 55 countries!🔥 —🌱 — #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ #エイティーズ #MOVEMENT
[📢] Idol Champ Weekly Ranking (August, 4th Week) poll has started. If you have extra chamsims vote for ATEEZ. Let's try to win this week. Voting is until August 28 🗳 promo-web.idolchamp.com/app_proxy.html… #MOVEMENT #ATEEZ_GUERRILLA #Guerrilla #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
🚫TODAY'S SCHEDULE🚫 ATINYs, here is todays schedule. Make sure to join us and let's set new records together 🤗🔥 #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #Guerrilla #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial #エイティーズ #ATEEZ
Atiny are you seeing this? Lets hype Guerilla Concept Photo to trend ! 🔥 GUERRILLA IS NEAR #ATEEZ_THE_GUERRILLAS #MOVEMENT #Guerrilla @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ #에이티즈 twitter.com/ATEEZofficial/…
🚫'Guerrilla' Scener now live!🚫 ⏰10pm - 12 am 🇰🇷 📅8.8.22 Make sure to tune in ATINYs, let's reach our goals 🔥 ~🌸 #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA @scener #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ scener.com/atystream/Bk38…
🚫MONDAY SCHEDULE🚫 ATINYs, here is todays scener schedule! Join us and let's reach new milestones together 🤗🔥 #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #Guerrilla #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial #エイティーズ #ATEEZ
🚫 #GUERRILLA 🐞 hourly update🚫 ➮ 10 pm 🇰🇷 = #1 [=] —🌱— ATEEZ GUERRILLA IS OUT #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
ATINYs please drop your klaps on universe app for our comeback promotion 🔥 #MOVEMENT #GUERILLA #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial twitter.com/into__universe…
ATINYs, our hourly will be even lower this time, please go to YouTube and stream the MV 🥺 —🌱— #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ
🚫| YT Manual Lists are here! Since Mingi's Bday is close, today we have 2 lists! - #Guerrilla streaming list! 🔥 - Minkiway #1 streaming list in replies! 💖 -Remember to search the videos & stream manually! — 🌸 — #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ
🚫'Guerrilla' Official MV 🚫 Congratulations #ATEEZ & ATINYs! 'Guerrilla' Official MV has reached 2.300.000 views in 5 hours and 26 min🥂 —🌱— ATEEZ GUERRILLA IS OUT #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ
🚫'Guerrilla' Official MV 🚫 Congratulations #ATEEZ & ATINYs! 'Guerrilla' Official MV has reached 1.100.000 views in 3 hours and 39 min 🥂 —🌱— ATEEZ GUERRILLA IS OUT #ATEEZ_MOVEMENT #MOVEMENT #GUERRILLA #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ