YouTube Daily Goal for #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE : Day 1: 18 Million Views ❎ (13.1M Views) Day 2: 23 Million Views ✅ (24.9M Views) Day 3: 33 Million Views 🔥‼️ Keep streaming, we need consistency! 💪
📺 TWICE 出演情報 #TCJ_TV 米番組『The Kelly Clarkson Show』 🇺🇸2023.03.14 (火) 3PM EST 🇯🇵2023.03.15 (水) 朝5:00AM 今回はパフォーマンスだけでばく、インタビューもあるようです😍🍭 #TWICE #TWICEonKelly #READYTOBE #SETMEFREE #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE @JYPETWICE @KellyClarksonTV
230203 TWICE YouTube Community update: youtube.com/post/Ugkxw-M0Y… TWICE 12TH MINI ALBUM "READY TO BE" Release on 2023.03.10 FRI 2PM KST/0AM EST #TWICE #트와이스 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE #READYTOBE
230131 twice_tiktok_official update: tiktok.com/@twice_tiktok_… #POV When you suddenly realize she is so beautiful ♬ MOONLIGHT SUNRISE - TWICE #TWICE #트와이스 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE
Asian ONCEs will be sleeping now, ONCEs in Western countries please stream #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE hard on YouTube and Spotify! We, Asian ONCEs will be back in few hours of sleep! Wait for us! 😆🔥✨
트와이스, K팝 걸그룹 중 유일 2022년 美 CD 판매량 톱 10 등극 entertain.naver.com/read?oid=057&a… #트와이스 #TWICE #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE @JYPETWICE
230120 twicetagram update [1V]: instagram.com/p/CnoF77krGor 🐰🐶🐻 dancing in #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE🌙 (MOON ver.) #TWICE #트와이스 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE
230120 twicetagram update [1V]: instagram.com/p/CnoF77krGor 🐰🐶🐻 dancing in #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE🌙 (MOON ver.) #TWICE #트와이스 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE
🇯🇵Billboard Japan HOT 100 <2023年01月25日公開> 🆕️20位 MOONLIGHT SUNRISE 🔥 [ 週数: 1週🆕️ | ピーク: 20位 ] 初週集計2日半弱で見事にランクイン👏 ※音源配信のため音盤得点対象外 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE が TWICEとして42曲目のHOT 100入り🔥 #TWICE #TCJ_BBJ @JYPETWICE
‘MOONLIGHT SUNRISE’ M/V has surpassed 21 Million Views on Youtube! ✨ #TWICE    #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE
YouTube Goals for #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE: #1 1st Day: 18M Views ❌ (13.1M Views) #2 2nd Day: 23M Views (18.2M Views)* * = still counting
🇯🇵LINE MUSIC K-pop Top 50 デイリー <2023.01.22> 🔥#1 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE (=) 💗#8 Talk that Talk 🎈#12 POP! 🎊#14 Celebrate [S] 💌#23 The Feels 🎊#24 Celebrate [AL] ✨#27 Feel Special ❄#34 Wonderful Day 🤟#36 FANCY 👁#40 I CAN'T STOP ME 👌#47 YES OR YES lin.ee/6DcDn4c
🇯🇵Apple Music Japan ー リアルタイム トップソング : 日本 🔥8位 MOONLIGHT SUNRISE (+4)🔥 ついにリアルタイムでTOP 10へ進入👏 Apple Musicでも引き続きスミン🎧 music.apple.com/jp/album/moonl… #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE new peak at #8 on Apple Music Japan Realtime🎉🇯🇵 #TWICE    #TCJ_MP @JYPETWICE
JYP엔터테인먼트 트와이스 나연, 동강병원에 2천만원 기부 ujnews.co.kr/news/newsview.… #나연 #NAYEON #트와이스 #TWICE #READYTOBE #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE @JYPETWICE
230113 TWICE YouTube Community update: youtube.com/post/Ugkxqq-PM… TWICE Pre-Release English Single "MOONLIGHT SUNRISE" A piece of #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE will fall at 2PM KST/0AM EST🌠 Worldwide Release on 2023.01.20 FRI 2PM KST/0AM EST 📌"MO... #TWICE #트와이스 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE
230113 TWICE YouTube Community update: youtube.com/post/Ugkxqq-PM… TWICE Pre-Release English Single "MOONLIGHT SUNRISE" A piece of #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE will fall at 2PM KST/0AM EST🌠 Worldwide Release on 2023.01.20 FRI 2PM KST/0AM EST 📌"MO... #TWICE #트와이스 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE
'Moonlight Sunrise' by @JYPETWICE debuted #1 in QQ Korean Music Hot 100 Chart.🇨🇳🎉🥳 #TWICE    #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE    #트와이스
🇺🇸 US iTunes: #2 — #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE Please keep buying, US ONCEs, the gap is decreasing! ✨🔥💪 #TWICE @JYPETWICE
🇯🇵オリコン ORICON ー デイリーデジタルシングル <2023/01/20付> 🆕️3位 MOONLIGHT SUNRISE 🌙 <2023/01/21付> 🔥1位 MOONLIGHT SUNRISE (+2)☀️ 3位で新登場し次の日に1位を獲得🎊 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE debut at #3 then reached #1 on ORICON Daily Digital Singles🔥🇯🇵 #TWICE #TCJ_OR @JYPETWICE
📊 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE       by #TWICE       reaches a NEW PEAK of #10(+3) with 186,318 filtered streams on Spotify Japan 🇯🇵! @JYPETWICE
230120 twicetagram update [1V]: instagram.com/p/CnoGDDtuIZl 🐹🦄🐧 dancing in #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE🌙 (MOON ver.) #TWICE #트와이스 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE
230120 twicetagram update [1V]: instagram.com/p/CnoGDDtuIZl 🐹🦄🐧 dancing in #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE🌙 (MOON ver.) #TWICE #트와이스 #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE
ONCE, have you added MOONLIGHT SUNRISE on your playlist? 🌕☀️ open.spotify.com/track/5NcLyVjU… #MOONLIGHTSUNRISE #TWICE @JYPETWICE