211218 YG팬싸 This year, due to many factors, the situation is not very good. Even so, Chinese fans has been working very hard as before🤧 MINO: Thank you very much! I really appreciate what you guys do🥺 @official_mino_ #송민호 #MNO #SONGMINHO #宋旻浩
211218 Ktown4u팬싸 Due to some regulations, we formally changed the name of the MINOBAR to MINO'HOME. MINO: Wow! That's really great! Zzang! MINOBAR: What do you think about it? Is that ok? MINO: Amazing! That's really good!👍 @official_mino_ #송민호  #MNO #SONGMINHO #宋旻浩
【報道発表】 平成28年「#携帯電話 市場における競争政策上の課題について」のフォローアップ調査結果の報告書を公表しました。 携帯電話市場の競争環境の確保のため,今後もフォローアップ調査等を行っていきます。 jftc.go.jp/houdou/pressre… #スマホ #格安スマホ #MVNO #MNO #総務省 #4年縛り