マニラに行ったので、 #MNL48 に会いに行きました🎵 メンバーもスタッフの皆様も、温かく迎えてくれて嬉しかったです💕 短い時間だったけど、みんなとお話したりレッスン風景を見ることができました😍😍😍 みんなのことが、もっと大好きになりました❗❗ Mahal Kita💗
事前番組のリハーサル映像😁✨ #BNK48 #CGM48 #JKT48 #SGO48 #AKB48TeamTP #AKB48TeamSH #MNL48 #MobileBNK48
🔴AKB48 『恋するフォーチュンクッキー~紅白世界選抜SP~』 世界8都市のエースが集結します! #NHK紅白 #AKB48 #BNK48 #CGM48 #SGO48 #JKT48 #MNL48 #AKB48TeamSH #AKB48TeamTP #DEL48 nhk.or.jp/kouhaku/artist…
AKB48 TeamSH 2nd Anniversary ゆうなぁもぎおん BNK48,MNL48,JKT48 皆さんからお祝いメッセージいただきました #AKB48 #BNK48 #MNL48 #JKT48
【Interview】Baby Blue 4/21リリースの配信シングル 「Stuck On You」のインタビューをOKMusicで公開! フリーマガジンmusic UP’s 5/20発行号にも掲載予定! #BabyBlue #MNL48 okmusic.jp/news/420818?f=…
#Asiafestival 出演メンバー33】 ABBY(アビー) #MNL48 #ABBYMNL48 MNL48の4本柱の1人で、第3回MNL48選抜総選挙1位になった現在のエースです😆 6/27:AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2021 ONLINE #asiafestival bit.ly/2PkerCX #akb48g 48circle.com
【Performing member 33】 We start to introduce the member of MNL48 from today! 💙 #MNL48 #ABBY She is the queen of the 3rd General Election.👑 She is the ace of MNL48!✨ Read more 📔#48circle 48circle.com/en Event info🎪#Asiafestival bit.ly/2Q43uVO #MNL48Abby
#Asiafestival 出演メンバー34】 GABB(ガブ) #MNL48 #GABBMNL48 5htシングル「High Tension」と6thシングル「RIVER」で2作連続のセンターを務めた美女メンバーです😊 6/27:AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2021 ONLINE #asiafestival bit.ly/2PkerCX #akb48g 48circle.com
【Performing member 34】 #MNL48 #GABB She has been the center for two consecutive works with the 5th single & the 6th single🎤 She likes green tea ice cream🍨 Read more 📒#48circle 48circle.com/en Event info😉#Asiafestival bit.ly/2Q43uVO #MNL48Gabb
#Asiafestival 出演メンバー35】 COLEEN(コリーン) #MNL48 #COLEENMNL48 TikTokなどの総フォロワー数はグループ1の400万以上。ユニットBabe Blueでも活躍中です😆🎤 6/27:AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2021 ONLINE #asiafestival bit.ly/2PkerCX #akb48g 48circle.com
【Performing member 35】 #MNL48 #COLEEN She has more than 4 million followers for her SNS!😮 She is also active in the unit "Baby Blue" with AMY and JAN💙 Read more 📕#48circle 48circle.com/en Event info🥁#Asiafestival bit.ly/2Q43uVO #MNL48Coleen
#Asiafestival 出演メンバー36】 SHEKI(シェキ) #MNL48 #SHEKIMNL48 グループ屈指の歌唱力の持ち主で1st~3rdシングルで3連続センターのゴールデンエース👑🎤 6/27:AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2021 ONLINE #asiafestival bit.ly/2PkerCX #akb48g 48circle.com
【Performing member 36】 #MNL48 #SHEKI She is the new captain of MNL48.🤠 She has one of the best singing skills in the 48 groups🎶She can hit the high notes.🎵 Read more 📖#48circle 48circle.com/en Event info🎡#Asiafestival bit.ly/2Q43uVO #MNL48Sheki
🎉Special activity on TikTok🎉 AKB48 and overseas sister groups are posting contents on TikTok's AKB48G Asia Festival account! Please check it out! 📱 vt.tiktok.com/ZSJkgbEP2/ #AKB48 #JKT48 #BNK48 #MNL48 #AKB48TeamSH #SGO48 #AKB48TeamTP #CGM48 #asiafestival
【Performing member 37】 #MNL48 #BREI She often get told that she has a resemblance with AKB48 Nana Okada, because of its cute look with short hair☺ Read more 📒#48circle 48circle.com/en Event info⭐#Asiafestival bit.ly/2Q43uVO #MNL48Brei
【Performing member 38】 #MNL48 #JAMIE She is a candidate for the next generation ace who has been selected for four works produced after her debut as a regular member Read more 📗#48circle 48circle.com/en #Asiafestival 🎪Ticket here(by PHP) bit.ly/3gXpf59
#Asiafestival 出演メンバー39】 AMY(エイミー) #MNL48 #AMYMNL48 COLEEN、JANとの3人組ユニット「Baby Blue」でも活躍する2期生、日本でも知名度😆👍🏻 6/27:AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2021 ONLINE #asiafestival bit.ly/2PkerCX #akb48g 48circle.com
【Performing member 39】 #MNL48 #AMY She always LOL. 😁😆😂 She is also active in the three-member unit "Baby Blue" with COLEEN and JAN💙 Read more 📰#48circle 48circle.com/en Event info🎺#Asiafestival bit.ly/2Q43uVO #MNL48Amy
#Asiafestival 出演メンバー40】 ELLA(エラ) #MNL48 #ELLAMNL48 2月の第3回MNL48選抜総選挙5位で初の神セブン入りと人気上昇中です😊🎙️ 6/27:AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2021 ONLINE #asiafestival bit.ly/2PkerCX #akb48g 48circle.com
【Performing member 40】 #MNL48 #ELLA She got the 5th rank of the 3rd general election, and her reputation is growing fast.☺🎙 She is good at ballroom dancing💃 Read more 📋 #48circle 48circle.com/en #Asiafestival 🎪Ticket here(by PHP) bit.ly/3gXpf59
【Performing member 41】 #MNL48 #JAYDEE She has a variety of talents!😉 She had appeared in commercials for Disney Channel in the Philippines prior to joining MNL48 ✨ Read more 📋 #48circle 48circle.com/en Event info🎪#Asiafestival bit.ly/2Q43uVO #mnl48Jaydee
【Performing member 42】 #MNL48 #JAN She actives in the unit "Baby Blue". She respects other idols, and one of the idols that she longs for is AKB48 Yuki Kashiwagi.😘 Read more 🔎 #48circle 48circle.com/en #Asiafestival 🎪Ticket here(by PHP) bit.ly/3gXpf59
#Asiafestival 出演メンバー43】 GIA(ジア) #MNL48 #GIAMNL48 6thシングル「RIVER」で初選抜入りした、弁護士を目指している才女です✒️🗒️😆 6/27:AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2021 ONLINE #asiafestival bit.ly/2PkerCX #akb48g 48circle.com
【 Performing member 43】 #MNL48 #GIA She was selected a SENBATSU member for the first time, for the 6th single "RIVER". She is also a talented woman who wants to be a lawyer✒️ Read more 📒#48circle 48circle.com/en Event info🎢#Asiafestival bit.ly/2Q43uVO