MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA is the top selling game on the STEAM platform at the moment. meltyblood.typelumina.com/en/ We are grateful for the support of many people. I'm very happy with the results of my debut as president of my new company. #MBTL
とりあえず完走しました。 #PS4share #MBTL #MBTL_AK store.playstation.com/#!/ja-jp/tid=C…
[Character Introduction] Shiki Tohno's introduction video has been released! Check out his powerful battle style with standard, easy to use moves, and unguardable Mystical Eyes of Death Perception! See the HD character introduction video here: youtu.be/ntDXsbInCBs #MBTL
[Character Introduction] Roa's introduction video has been released! His Specials utilize lightning, giving him great reach and speed, leading to a hate-fueled and aggressive battle style! See the HD character introduction video here: youtu.be/Ytl6tJ_g59g #MBTL
『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』の新プレイアブルキャラクターとして「ヴローヴ」の参戦が決定! 詳しくは→meltyblood.typelumina.com/character/ #メルブラ #MBTL
[Character Introduction] Kouma Kishima's introduction video has been released! His guard breaking throws and super armor that can attack while guarding boasts unparalleled strength in close-combat! See the HD character introduction video here: youtu.be/MU4BCq07XVo #MBTL
[Character Introduction] Kohaku's introduction video has been released! A trickster-type fighter with a long reach. She has a lot of freedom through her traps and attacks that come in waves! See the HD character introduction video here: youtu.be/DWlIZRjCe-E #MBTL
[Info] "MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA" celebrates its first anniversary today, September 30, and has sold more than 330,000 units! To express our gratitude to everyone, we would like to send a message from Kamone Serizawa of FRENCH-BREAD. We hope you continue to enjoy it! #MBTL
The trailer for "MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA" has been released. This game is scheduled for world-wide release on PlayStation®4, Nintendo Switch™, Xbox One in 2021 in Japanese, English, Chinese (Traditional/Simplified), and Korean. Official website →meltyblood.typelumina.com/en/ #MBTL
[Character Introduction] Miyako Arima's introduction video has been released! A strong and speedy close-range fighter with explosive power. See the HD character introduction video here: youtu.be/Qt62IWYEIZo #MBTL
【新プレイアブルキャラクター発表のお知らせ】 明日9月10日(金)に新プレイアブルキャラクターを公開予定です。 当日は『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』の公式Twitterアカウントのチェックをお忘れなく! ※発表には『月姫 - A piece of blue glass moon-』のネタバレが含まれます。 #メルブラ #MBTL
A-1 Picturesが制作を手がける、『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』のバトル中カットインアニメーションは、公式ホームページの「CHARACTER」ページにて動画でご視聴いただけます! 詳しくは→ meltyblood.typelumina.com/character/ #メルブラ #MBTL
2D対戦格闘『MELTY BLOOD』新生。開発はフランスパン ・発売時期は2021年 ・対応ハードはPS4/Nintendo Switch/Xbox One ・バトルシステムは『MELTY BLOOD』シリーズの特徴を受け継ぎながら一から再構築 dengekionline.com/articles/73438/ #メルブラ #MBTL
It's a crime that #MBTL is not more popular. This game has improved so much in just 1 year, with 8 free DLC characters/stages, classic MB music, GOOD balance patches, new single player content, and more. It's such a good game and I wish more people gave it a try!
[Character Introduction] Hisui's introduction video has been released! She excels at rush attacks and a more technical style with projectiles and traps using her cleaning and cooking tools. See the HD character introduction video here: youtu.be/NZfjoJquHvw #MBTL
『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』が本日6月24日(木)AM10:00よりパッケージ版の予約受付を開始いたしました! 店舗別購入特典の詳細は、各店舗のホームページをご覧ください。 パッケージ初回限定版のセット内容について、詳しくは→meltyblood.typelumina.com/shopguide/#sec2 #メルブラ #MBTL
[Info] New playable characters "Neco-Arc" and "Mash Kyrielight" will be available for free on August 19 at 6:00(UTC)! Character stories and battle stages delivered at the same time! Character Profiles and command lists will be released at a later date. #MBTL
[Info] We'll be announcing more information about the new playable characters, character stories, and battle stage DLC for "MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA" in late December! We will announce it on this account (@MB_LUMINA), so please follow us and check it out! #MBTL twitter.com/MB_LUMINA/stat…
【お知らせ】 『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』では、奈須きのこ書き下ろしのストーリーによる「ボスラッシュモード」を搭載! 強敵たちに打ち勝つことで、他のイベントストーリーとは一味違う展開が……!? 物語の主人公や解放条件は、ゲームをプレイしてお確かめください! #メルブラ #MBTL
[Character Video] "The Count of Monte Cristo" joins the battle on December 15 at 5:00 (UTC)! His battle style branches into a variety of attacks that put pressure on opponents with a powerful rush that leaves no room for escape. HD video: youtu.be/NQz5A6qdBuo #MBTL
[Battle Tips] Press attack buttons in rapid succession to execute a simple but hard-hitting Rapid Beat combo! Check out our website for more tips on how to play! meltyblood.typelumina.com/en/howto/ #MBTL
【予約開始日決定!】 『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』パッケージ版の予約開始日が明日6月24日(木)AM10:00に決定! 初回限定版、通常版ともに全国の販売店様にて予約受付を順次開始予定です。 パッケージ初回限定版のセット内容について、詳しくは→meltyblood.typelumina.com/shopguide/#sec2 #メルブラ #MBTL
【コラボ決定!】 『NGS』にて2D対戦格闘ゲーム『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』とのコラボが決定しました! 詳細は後日発表致しますので、続報をご期待ください! 『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』公式アカウントはこちら→@MB_LUMINA #メルブラ #MBTL #NGS #PSO2NGS twitter.com/MB_LUMINA/stat…
『メルブラ』新作に“暴走アルクェイド”がロングスカート姿(スリット入り)で参戦。キャラの特徴や通常バージョンと暴走アルクの違いを紹介! #メルブラ #MBTL famitsu.com/news/202109/24…