Home crowd's going to be a challenge next game day. You know BLCK, we never back down 😤 See you on Wednesday, RRQ. 🕖 7:00 PM 📺 bit.ly/M4MLBB #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Pharsa god took over the Land of Dawn 😤 Another MVP for The KDA Machine! #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
@Edwardzy1 made sure no game 5s are happening tonight ❌ #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Defending world champion form unleashed ⚫⚪🔴 BLCK takes the series with a 3-1 W! GGWP, RRQ Akira 🙌 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Let's seal it in game 4, BLCK! 🙌 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Our Tier One Entertainment royalty are here to support BLCK 🫶🖤 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Well-oiled MVP 💯 Hadji's Yve in game 2 did not disappoint. #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
KING OF THE JUNGLE! 👑 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
One more win and we're going to the Upper Bracket semis 🙌 2-0 vs RRQ Akira! #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
The world champion Estes delivered 👑 Captain Ohmyv33nus played a perfect game 1! #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Starting the Knockouts with a win! 1-0 in the series vs RRQ Akira. #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Agent Zero is all over the map 😱 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
BLCK main 5️⃣, ready for action! #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Captain Ohmyv33nus 🫡 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Believe in the MV3 🙌 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Upper Bracket run is on 🙌 Make sure to catch our match against RRQ Akira tomorrow, agents! 🕖 7:00 PM 📺 buff.ly/3VBOlr8 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Even machines need a hug 🤗 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
New look for our defending world champions ⚫️⚪️🔴 Our players are proud to be one of the PH representatives on the world stage 🏆🌏 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
Boss @AlodiaAlmira and Dexie are here in Jakarta to cheer for BLCK! 🖤 The team with the new bomber jackets tho 👀 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
All eyes on our main goal 🏆 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
It was a tough group stage, but our royal duo showcased their wide hero pool and command of the game. With a peek at their flexibility, we're now coming into the playoffs more dangerous than ever 🧨 #BackToBLCK | #BreakTheCode #M4
ー到着!!新製品情報ー A-PLUS AIRSOFT社製 NOVESKE N4 ガスブローバック DX ver. サイレンサーセット DE #GBB #Noveske #N4 が到着 内外装ともに至高の1挺 リコイル激しー!! ※VFC社製 #M4 GBB用マガジン使用可能 ※刻印部には保護シールが貼られております。ご了承くださいませ。 #サバゲー
おはようございます☁️本日の #サンスポ(東最終版、電子版)1面は、#石川雅規 投手!現役を引退する能見投手からの思いも背負い、約2カ月半ぶりの通算183勝✨マジック4です!そして、プロ22年目の来季も現役続行!球団側も高く評価しています。 #ヤクルト #スワローズ #swallows #熱燕NEXTSTAGE #M4
BMW、BMW量産車最速「M4 CSL」日本国内25台限定導入 2196万円 car.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1436… #BMW #M4