我們太難了。🫠 #drawluca #Lucubs
[Cosplay]🦁️💰 “good luck”💛 #lucakaneshiro #drawluca #Lucubs #LucyKaneshiro
[Cosplay]🦁️💰 Lucy 🎰🎰🎰 #lucakaneshiro #drawluca #Lucubs #LucyKaneshiro
[Cosplay]🦁️💰 💛🧡Lucy🧡💛 #lucakaneshiro #drawluca #Lucubs
🦁 SCHEDULE: JUN 20 - JUN 26 💰 💛HERE'S THE PLAN FOR THIS WEEK 💛 General: #lucakaneshiro Art: #drawluca Stream: #lucalive NSFW: #lucadeeznuts Memes: #kaneshitpost Thumbnails: #pognail Assets: #lucadeezhands Fans: #Lucubs Art: @TT_tintin
🦁 SCHEDULE: JUN 13 - JUN 19 💰 💛HERE'S THE PLAN FOR THIS WEEK 💛 General: #lucakaneshiro Art: #drawluca Stream: #lucalive NSFW: #lucadeeznuts Memes: #kaneshitpost Thumbnails: #pognail Assets: #lucadeezhands Fans: #Lucubs Art: @drenbofV
🦁 SCHEDULE: JUN 06 - JUN 12 💰 💛HERE'S THE PLAN FOR THIS WEEK 💛 General: #lucakaneshiro Art: #drawluca Stream: #lucalive NSFW: #lucadeeznuts Memes: #kaneshitpost Thumbnails: #pognail Assets: #lucadeezhands Fans: #Lucubs Art: @FZ5yIXLpirpKV79
🦁 SCHEDULE: MAY 30 - JUN 05 💰 💛SCHEDULE IS BAAAACK!! HERE'S THE PLAN FOR THIS WEEK 💛 General: #lucakaneshiro Art: #drawluca Stream: #lucalive NSFW: #lucadeeznuts Memes: #kaneshitpost Thumbnails: #pognail Assets: #lucadeezhands Fans: #Lucubs Art: @lion_isCat
🦁 SCHEDULE: MAY 16 - MAY 22 💰 💛HERE'S THE PLAN FOR THIS WEEK 💛 General: #lucakaneshiro Art: #drawluca Stream: #lucalive NSFW: #lucadeeznuts Memes: #kaneshitpost Thumbnails: #pognail Assets: #lucadeezhands Fans: #Lucubs Art: @basuuba
After mission 💥💥 (This hc keep repeating in my head, need to draw it out 😂) #Quilldren #Lucubs #ikenography #drawluca
🦁 SCHEDULE: MAY 02 - MAY 08 💰 💛ASMR AT THE END OF THE WEEK 💛 General: #lucakaneshiro Art: #drawluca Stream: #lucalive NSFW: #lucadeeznuts Memes: #kaneshitpost Thumbnails: #pognail Assets: #lucadeezhands Fans: #Lucubs Art: @/ug0nba
🦁 SCHEDULE: APR 25 - MAY 01 💰 💛EN KARAOKE AT THE END OF THE WEEK 💛 General: #lucakaneshiro Art: #drawluca Stream: #lucalive NSFW: #lucadeeznuts Memes: #kaneshitpost Thumbnails: #pognail Assets: #lucadeezhands Fans: #Lucubs Art: @tsuika_63no
🦁 SCHEDULE: APR 18 - APR 24 💰 💛HERE ARE THE PLANS FOR THIS WEEK 💛 General: #lucakaneshiro Art: #drawluca Stream: #lucalive NSFW: #lucadeeznuts Memes: #kaneshitpost Thumbnails: #pognail Assets: #lucadeezhands Fans: #Lucubs Art: @drenbofV
🦁 SCHEDULE: APR 11 - APR 17 💰 💛HERE ARE THE PLANS FOR THIS WEEK 💛 General: #lucakaneshiro Art: #drawluca Stream: #lucalive NSFW: #lucadeeznuts Memes: #kaneshitpost Thumbnails: #pognail Fans: #Lucubs Art: @pingguo06287739
POOOOOOG!! 🦁✨ Just H-2 to Boss’ birthday and can’t believe only 1 day b4 mine lol. Here you go! Lucy cosplay by me~ Special HD Lucy pics for boss’ bdayyy😎—> bit.ly/Lucadeeznuts #lucakaneshiro #Lucubs #lucykaneshiro #drawluca #Luxiem
🦁 SCHEDULE: APR 04 - APR 10 💰 💛HERE ARE THE PLANS FOR THIS WEEK 💛 General: #lucakaneshiro Art: #drawluca Stream: #lucalive NSFW: #lucadeeznuts Memes: #kaneshitpost Thumbnails: #pognail Fans: #Lucubs Art: @Mukiiwww
💛EMERGENCY POGCAST💛 各位Lucubs請注意! LUCAR目前正在被迫休息中! ▶事情經過:由於今日無出車紀錄,因此主辦於今日16點致電大南客運北投站詢問,得知4/2晚上Lucar因進檔問題,從士林站後便空車回北投,4/3開始無法出車 #Lucubs #lucakaneshiro #Luxiem #POGLucar
💛POGCAST💛 身為主辦,當然就是要搶頭香呀!ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ 活動順利上路,除感謝繪師、設計師以及集資夥伴們的協助外,更感謝的是把消息擴散出去的 #Lucubs! 無論你們來自何方,此時此刻,我們都因為 #lucakaneshiro 而聚首!希望大家都能享受這一段難忘的時光!Go Poggers! #Luxiem #POGLucar
💛**LUCAR HITS THE ROAD NOW! **💛 Happy Birthday to Luca Kaneshiro! Grab your phone and join us by catching up at the Lucar in Taipei City! If you cannot join, please help us share the bus AD information online! #Lucubs #lucakaneshiro #Luxiem #POGLucar
💛LUCAR HITS THE ROAD NOW!💛 Luca Kaneshiro 生日快樂!粉絲應援賀禮上路囉! 拿起你的手機,拍下Lucar颯爽奔馳在台北市的英姿吧! ▶轉發活動開跑!分享活動跟上!詳情請見圖片說明! #Lucubs #lucakaneshiro #Luxiem #POGLucar
💛Lucubs來應援,限定周邊到你家!!💛 讓慶祝不只是慶祝!為了讓更多Lucubs一起同樂,抽獎活動即將開跑囉! 無論你是否能親眼看到Lucar颯爽的身影,我們都希望大家能一起記住這一刻! 抽獎資訊與辦法請見圖片說明,有任何問題都歡迎回覆或私訊活動帳號! #Lucubs #lucakaneshiro #Luxiem