Harry just shared that tonight is Nyoh’s last show in the Love Band at #LoveOnTourTokyo 😔💔
“Everyone who knows me, knows how incredibly special this country is to me. I came here a few years ago for 5 days, and stayed a LOT longer than 5 days. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me in my whole life.” - Harry thanking the crowd at #LoveOnTourTokyo
“This song I wrote in a hotel room in Tokyo, sing it if you know it.” - Harry during the intro for Little Freak at #LoveOnTourTokyo
ハリーの日本語詰め合わせ #LoveOnTourTokyo #HarryStyles
Harry is doing his introductory speech fully in Japanese at #LoveOnTourTokyo! 🥰
こちらは、「久しぶり」「僕は29歳です」と日本語で自己紹介してくれた後で、侍ジャパンのWBC優勝を祝福してくれたハリー🇯🇵🏆 #LoveOnTourTokyo
何年経っても色褪せない”デビュー曲”「What Makes You Beautiful」。 最近、1D愛が強すぎるあまりプライベートで1Dのシャツを着た写真を間違えてSNSにあげてしまっていたハリー。 「12年間サポートしてくれてありがとう」と1D時代からずっと応援してくれているファンへの感謝も。 #LoveOnTourTokyo
✨ハリー・スタイルズ✨ #LoveOnTourTokyo Day 2 かわいいかわいいかわいいかわいい!!! 🎵「Late Night Talking」 #HarryStyles #おかえりハリー
Harry’s close friend Kunichi attended #LoveOnTourTokyo tonight! ❤️ (via kunichi_nomura)
日本語で自己紹介するHarry! WBC優勝も祝ってくれました❤️ #LoveOnTourTokyo #HarryStyles #おかえりハリー
“Where are you from? Texas?! We played there somewhat recently this is quite far! Oh your honeymoon! What’s your name? Andy? Wat’s your newly crowned partner’s name?Marcus! Well on behalf of the Tokyo people I say to you [Omedetō gozaimasu!] [Congratulations!]” - #LoveOnTourTokyo
“I’ve always felt that my time in here in Japan was incredibly special to me & I would not be able to make those 2 albums if it wasn’t for that time. So thank you the people of Japan for whatever it was that you gave to me. I will love you for it forever” - #LoveOnTourTokyo
ファンに「どこから来たの?」と質問するハリー。 広島や大阪から来たファンに挨拶した後で、テキサスからハネムーンで来日したという2人には「おめでとうございます」と日本語で祝福! 初めてコンサートに来たというファンにも名前を訊いて交流するなど、すべてが最高すぎる。 #LoveOnTourTokyo
Harry’s close friend Rena attended #LoveOnTourTokyo tonight! ❤️ (via @holarena_)
✨ハリー・スタイルズ✨ #LoveOnTourTokyo Day 2 「頑張りま〜す!!」💕💕 #HarryStyles #おかえりハリー
“I came here about 4 years ago, for 5 days and stayed for 6 weeks because I love it so much. During that time I was here, I did a lot of thinking, did a lot of writing music and then I went on to write the last 2 albums that I put out” - Harry talking at #LoveOnTourTokyo
開演前にBest Song Ever✨ ファン達の大合唱🫶🏻 #LoveOnTourTokyo #おかえりハリー #HarryStyles
“I love it here so much, it is a privilege every time I get to play here.” - Harry to the crowd at #LoveOnTourTokyo
“This song was written right here in Tokyo!” - Harry during the intro for Little Freak at #LoveOnTourTokyo
“I had the most wonderful time [in Japan] and I’m so grateful to this country for the time that it gave me, and I’m so grateful to you for having me tonight.” - Harry thanking the crowd at #LoveOnTourTokyo
ついにハリーが5年ぶりに日本のステージに! 1曲目はもちろん、このツアーのオープニングの定番でもある「Music For A Sushi Restaurant」から。 ハリーからは日本語で「ただいまー」も😭 #LoveOnTourTokyo
✨ハリー・スタイルズ✨ 会場にスペシャルワゴン登場🚗 約5年ぶりの来日公演まであと2日🙌 会場にはスペシャルワゴンが登場! CD&アナログ盤購入者来日記念特典も決定💿 🔗詳細はこちら sonymusic.co.jp/artist/harryst… #HarryStyles #おかえりハリー #LoveOnTourTokyo