The #LiquorScam investigation is proceeding, with evidence of massive bribes, names, dates, locations, amounts. As the arrests mount, the culprits say ‘vendetta,’ ‘witch hunt’ & ‘what’s the hurry?’ But they don’t deny the specific charges. Fine for media, but fails big in court…
AAP is throwing muck around hoping something will stick. Fact is, this CorruptAadmiParty has said everything under the sun, made all kinds of false allegations, except answer the questions relating to their #ExcisePolicy #LiquorScam in a desperate attempt to divert attention.
Fraud Aadmi Party has declared today a #BlackDay because its #LiquorScam mastermind is arrested. They should call it Black Label Day or Black Dog Day to honour shocking features of the infamous Liquor Policy eg licences to #BlackListed cos, liquor outlets near schools & Gurdwaras