Tomorrow, the power rests in our hands. Let’s show the world that the light of democracy burns strong in #Taiwan. Get out & vote! #Taiwan2020 #LetsWin2020
In 4 days, the people of #Taiwan will come together to send a message to the world that we choose freedom & democracy. We choose to stand strong against coercion. We choose a future where our children can speak their minds & follow their dreams. #LetsWin2020
要記住,關鍵時刻改變國家命運的都是年輕人。 我告訴年輕朋友,民主自由不是別人給的,民主自由一定要握在自己的手上。握在自己的手上就是主權,就是我們2300萬人共同擁有的主權,我們要牢牢地握在自己的手上,絕對不能放掉。我們要講給全世界的人聽,這就是台灣人的選擇、台灣人的價值。#LetsWin2020
Our votes have power. The power to show us the road to a brighter future & to give us the strength to stand tall as we walk that road. In two days, we must come together for #Taiwan, to safeguard this free & beautiful land that we love. #LetsWin2020
We registered our candidacy for the upcoming election at a time when freedom around the world is being challenged like never before. When it comes to #Taiwan’s democracy & sovereignty, we will never compromise,& we will keep working to make our country a better place.#LetsWin2020
The excitement & enthusiasm I met on the campaign trail today were truly touching. We all know that the stakes are high, so as we head down the final stretch, let's come together & elect the kind of government that can lead #Taiwan forward. #LetsWin2020
The Force is with us! William & I have worked together for years, & our campaign photos reflect that partnership. I look forward to sharing them with all of you! #LetsWin2020
#Taiwan needs a leader who can bring the people together & stand strong against emerging challenges. When it comes to our nation’s sovereignty, I will never back down. #LetsWin2020
Thank you to the more than 100,000 supporters who attended the opening of our #Kaohsiung campaign headquarters. They know that to protect our sovereignty & democracy, we need a president with the courage to stand up for #Taiwan & embrace the global community. #LetsWin2020
Taiwanese society is a tapestry woven from countless cultures, & that diversity is one of our greatest strengths. For more than 3 years, we have worked to better support naturalized citizens from around the world, because they are an irreplaceable part of #Taiwan. #LetsWin2020
Young people are the lifeblood of democracy, & more than 3,000 supporters joined me for a night of live music, stories, & policy discussions. Over the next four years, I plan to keep working to make #Taiwan a better place for young people to chase their dreams. #LetsWin2020
A strong leader needs a clear vision, a concrete policy plan, & the determination to see it through. At our first pre-election policy address, I outlined our administration’s efforts over the past 3 years & our vision for #Taiwan’s future. #LetsWin2020 #TaiwanElection
I am proud to announce Dr. William Ching-te Lai as my running mate for the 2020 presidential election. I am confident that as Vice President, he will use his experience & love for #Taiwan to help lead our country forward. #LetsWin2020
My campaign headquarters announcement included three special VIPs who were very excited to be in front of the camera. It’s safe to say Bella, Bunny, & Maru steal the show wherever they go! #LetsWin2020
Each policy address is a team effort, & I’m grateful to have such a hardworking team around me. It is very important to me that we communicate our policies clearly to the people, so that they know exactly the future they’re voting for. #LetsWin2020 #TaiwanElection
It was a lot of fun to join these adorable kids for story time today. Our administration has tripled the childcare budget over the past 3 years to ensure that children enjoy happy, healthy childhoods, because they are the future of #Taiwan. #LetsWin2020