【MLB】“戦力外”の筒香嘉智が自由契約に パ軍がリリース、マイナー降格せず新天地を模索 #tsutsugo #LetsGoBucs #mlbjp full-count.jp/2022/08/06/pos…
【MLB】パイレーツ筒香、事実上の“戦力外”と米報道 今季は打率.171、2本塁打と低迷 #tsutsugo #LetsGoBucs #mlbjp full-count.jp/2022/08/03/pos…
New week, new series. #LetsGoBucs
筒香嘉智、実戦復帰6戦目で待望のホームラン 左中間スタンドへ先制の2ラン #tsutsugo #LetsGoBucs #mlbjp full-count.jp/2022/07/02/pos…
New series on deck. #LetsGoBucs
Bad news: our game was postponed Good news: it's Free Shirt Friday Reply to this tweet for a chance to win a #LetsGoBucs tee!
Jack Suwinski will make his Major League debut tonight! #LetsGoBucs
Afternoon baseball on deck. #LetsGoBucs
Back in the 412 on 4.12 #LetsGoBucs
Our Sunday starters. #LetsGoBucs
パイレーツ開幕戦「4番・一塁」 #筒香嘉智 選手!! #LetsGoBucs  #baystars #サンスポ twitter.com/Pirates/status…
It's really, really here!!! #LetsGoBucs
Our 2022 roster is set. #LetsGoBucs