Thank you to all the creators who became a part of the #LegendOfPENTAKILL. Pentakill could not have completed this journey without you.
A foe defeated. A musical contagion gone. Viego accelerated the great cycle of trend and change, and failed -- for now. Battle-tested but unbroken, we close this chapter and prepare for the next one. We go where Metal calls. #LostChapter | #LegendOfPENTAKILL
The Gods of Metal smile upon our crusade against Viego's Dissonance. When the time comes, one of these three deities will choose you, granting the strength to fight in its name. Meet the Noisome Host. #LegendOfPENTAKILL | #BattleOfPENTAKILL
Metal has been remade by Viego, prophet of Mutaris - the forbidden god known as 'the Dissonant One'. Some pray for salvation. Some embrace this new chapter. And all the while, a wrathful light shines on in the darkness... #LegendOfPENTAKILL
Three sounds. Three seals. As the last note plays, the ticking stops. The old rhythms die. With your help, Viego decodes the wheel and ushers in the Dissonance - a force that will remake metal in a new and ever-changing form, upending the world we know. #LegendOfPENTAKILL
"The key is complete. The language of the gods is ours, if we only knew where to look..." -Viego | #LegendOfPENTAKILL
"Something strange appeared on the Temporonomicon today, friend. I feel as if it's trying to speak with us though I cannot say for certain how or why. These damn riddles vex me more each day." -Viego | #LegendOfPENTAKILL
“This morning I noticed strange etchings on the Temporonomicon's side. How odd - it wasn't here before. Someone must have left them here long ago." -Viego #LegendOfPENTAKILL #ViegosRiddles
“A strange melody leading to strange numbers… what could it mean? Tomorrow we continue our search. Well done, friends.” -Viego #LegendOfPENTAKILL #ViegosRiddles
“For days now, I have wandered the grounds of this monument, in search of its secrets. Today, it emitted a strange, subtle song. Can you hear it, friends? It wants to be discovered. It wants to be found.” -Viego #LegendOfPENTAKILL
The steady ticking of the Temporonomicon symbolizes order and stability in this land of metal. But where some see a holy monument, Viego sees a barrier to progress, making us an intriguing offer... #LegendOfPENTAKILL
An outsider in a world of myth and music, Viego feels nothing for the old songs anymore. His heart is numb, as if consumed by some unknown bitterness only soothed by new experiences. A worthy goal, or a self-inflicted curse? #LegendOfPENTAKILL
From weaving together ancient harmonies to unleashing relentless percussive assaults, Yorick, Sona, and Olaf hold mastery over the dark rhythms of this world. #LegendOfPENTAKILL
Adoring fans reinvigorate Karthus's spirit (and his flesh), rally to Kayle's indomitable voice, and tremble at the sight of Mordekaiser within his mighty forge below the arena. Meet the vanguard of Pentakill. #LegendOfPENTAKILL
Pentakill - conquerors of a land of myth and metal, where dark gods of music have toyed with the fates of mortal bands for millennia. Now the dominant sound of this world, Pentakill’s story is about to enter a new chapter... #LegendOfPENTAKILL
Legends have returned. #PENTAKILL’s third album the #LostChapter drops 9.8.21. Presave today: found.ee/pk3lostchapter Gather round, the #LegendOfPENTAKILL begins now.