#달려라방탄 보기 전에, #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS 💜 Before watching today’s #Run_BTS, let’s take a look at the jobs of the Joseon Dynasty with BTS😉 BTSと一緒に朝鮮時代の職業について調べてみましょう😉 Averiguemos sobre los trabajos de la dinastía Joseon con BTS😉
#Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS 💜  If you want to listen to the pronunciations or learn more words, click the link below! 単語の発音を聞いたり、単語をもっと知りたいなら下のリンクへGo Go! Para escuchar la pronunciación o aprender mas palabras presiona el link! 👉bit.ly/3jCJghf
#Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS 💜 #Run_BTS #등잔_밑이_어둡다 #한국어속담 Korean proverbs are a piece of cake with BTS!😉 韓国のコトワザもBTSと一緒なら難しくないです!😉 ¡Aprender dichos coreanos es fácil si es con BTS!😉 📺Run BTS! Ep.145 full version: weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/19a6994a
#Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS 💜  If you want to listen to the pronunciations or learn more words, click the link below! 単語の発音を聞いたり、単語をもっと知りたいなら下のリンクへGo Go! Para escuchar la pronunciación o aprender mas palabras presiona el link! 👉bit.ly/3flSv44
#Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS 💜 If you want to listen to the pronunciations or learn more words, click the link below! 単語の発音を聞いたり、単語をもっと知りたいなら下のリンクへGo Go! Para escuchar la pronunciación o aprender mas palabras preciona el link. 👉bit.ly/3rHHGyj
この夏は #TinyTAN と一緒に韓国語をマスターしよう! #BTS の映像コンテンツを通して韓国語が学べます♪ 自分のレベルにあわせて選べる2教材! BTS JAPAN OFFICIAL SHOP にて好評販売中! 詳しくはこちら→ bts-officialshop.jp/pages/lkwb #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS #Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN
#Study_with_BORA 💜 📺youtu.be/w8g9Fs7yn1A Have you gotten familiar with Hangeul now? もうハングルに親しめましたか? ¿Ya están acostumbrados con Hangeul? #Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS
💜LKWT #Wallpaper #7💜 How is your Hangeul studies going so far?🤗 皆さん、今までハングルの勉強はうまくできましたか?🤗 📺Ep.7 weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/8fda1ad #Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS #Jimin #TinyTAN
#Study_with_BORA (50min) ▶️youtu.be/D6fd8LV5Ygo Let's celebrate BTS' birthday in Korean!🎉 #방탄소년단 생일 축하해요. 보라해요💜 #Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS
💜LKWT #Wallpaper #6💜 Today’s quiz! Are 박 and 밖 pronounced the same?👀 では、今日のクイズ! 「박」と「밖」の発音は同じでしょうか?👀 🔔Ep.6 weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/ed01cdcd #Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS #jhope #TinyTAN
#Study_with_BORA Week 5📝 📺youtu.be/G9SgsCRhbPI 💌From. BORA💌 Are you ready to study Hangeul with me today? 今日も私と一緒にハングルの勉強を始めてみましょう! ¿No sería agradable estudiar hoy Hangeul conmigo? #Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS
🎁LKWT #Wallpaper #5🎁 How many batchim sounds are there in total?👀 (Hint: How many members are there in BTS?🤗) パッチムの音は合わせて何個でしょうか?👀 (ヒント:BTSのメンバーは何人でしょう?🤗) Ep.5👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/d5811b3e #Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS
#Study_with_BORA Week 4✏️ 👉youtu.be/kMY8p-gRd48 (50m Study Timer with Relaxing Sound😌) All right, let's concentrate, aaand begin! さあ、集中して、勉強スタート! Muy bien, vamos a concentrarnos, y ¡empecemos! #Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS
#Study_with_BORA Week 3📝 👉 youtu.be/ThOOx7L2yA8 Don't forget to study Hangeul with Bora this week!💜 今週も忘れないでボラとハングルを勉強しよう!💜 ¡No olvides estudiar Hangeul con Bora esta semana!💜 #Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS
#Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN 💡ハングルを全く知らなかったLT&LVタイプのみんなは今、楽しく簡単にハングルを勉強中😉💜 #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS 💡ハングルを見て読むことはできるけど、韓国語の基本表現をもっと知りたいLBタイプのみんなもファイト!💪💜 youtu.be/0R-85dyL8AU5
[Learn! KOREAN with WHOM?] #Learn_KOREAN_with_TinyTAN 💡'LT&LV-types' are now learning Hangeul with ease and lots of fun😉💜 #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS 💡All the 'LB-types' who can read and write but want to learn more basic Korean expressions, FIGHTING💪💜 youtu.be/0R-85dyL8AU5
보라의 한국 여행은 아미들과 함께여서 행복했어요💜 우리 모두 보라에게 인사해 볼까요? 안녕~👋 Bora’s trip across Korea was delightful with ARMY💜 Let's say goodbye to Bora! 안녕~👋 #Bon_BORAge ▶️ youtu.be/ivfMDHmC1A0 #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS #한국어_공부하는_아미
여러분, 보라색 광안대교를 본 적 있나요?💜 보라와 니콜의 라이브 방송으로 확인해 보세요! Have you ever seen a purple-lighted Gwangandaegyo Bridge?💜 Check this out on Bora and Nicole's live stream! #Bon_BORAge ▶️ youtu.be/ZGDe4YafmDM #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS #한국어_공부하는_아미
V처럼 찰칵!📸 댄이 좋아하는 한국 음식은 무엇일까요? A photo like V!📸 Guess Dan’s favorite Korean food! Check out #Bon_BORAge ▶️ youtu.be/73h4lUHea6k #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS #한국어_공부하는_아미
🐨: 지켜주시는 여러분들이 있으니까... Since I have you all to look over me... 이 다음에 RM이 한 말은 무엇일까요? What did RM say next? #Bon_BORAge ▶️ youtu.be/KLPjDYAZ4-Y #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS #한국어_공부하는_아미
오늘은 #Bon_BORAge 하는 날!😉 It's #Bon_BORAge day! 보라와 니콜은 떡갈비를 먹었어요. 여러분은 어떤 한국 음식을 좋아해요?😋 Bora and Nicole ate Tteok-galbi. What kind of Korean food do you like? (youtu.be/5Qb98JYTKto) #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS #한국어_공부하는_아미
이제 매주 월요일에 #Bon_BORAge 와 함께해요! Now #Bon_BORAge is Only Uploaded Every Monday! 보라와 니콜은 한복을 입었어요. 여러분은 한복을 입어 봤어요? Bora and Nicole tried on Hanbok. Have you tried it on? (youtu.be/LptH-zYqsFA) #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS #한국어_공부하는_아미
🎬방탄소년단의 #EPILOGUE_YoungForever 뮤직비디오 촬영지에 함께 놀러 가요! Let’s visit the MV spot of BTS’ <EPILOGUE: Young Forever> together! #Bon_BORAge ▶️ youtu.be/1TlLPoM2zyY #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS #한국어_공부하는_아미 #BTS #KOREAN #방탄소년단 #한국어
#Bon_BORAge EP.09 ▶️ youtu.be/jbV0A8QDcYc Happy New Year 2021!🌅 What are your new year’s resolutions? How about learning Korean together?😉 Please share your study proof shot of #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS with the hashtag #한국어_공부하는_아미 📖📸
#Bon_BORAge EP.09 ▶️ youtu.be/jbV0A8QDcYc 2021년, 새해 복 많이 받으세요!🌅 여러분 새해 계획이 있어요? 우리 함께 한국어 공부할까요?😉 #한국어_공부하는_아미 해시태그와 함께 #Learn_KOREAN_with_BTS 공부 인증샷을 공유해 주세요📖📸 #BTS #방탄소년단 #한국어 #한국어공부