The key thing to remember is that I live here permanently, the politicians just lodge with me for a bit until they’re fired. They all work out sooner or later that it’s me that runs the place... #Larryversary
My good friends @Reuters have put together this video to celebrate my decade in Downing Street #Larryversary
How it started How it’s going #Larryversary (Pic @JeffOvers)
I also want to thank the unsung heroes of Downing Street, the Metropolitan Police Officers - they’re there whatever the weather keeping me and the other residents safe #Larryversary
I’m often asked about my favourite moments on Downing Street - appropriately for #PresidentsDay two of them involve US Presidents, but for different reasons... #Larryversary
I arrived in Downing Street exactly 10 years ago today. It’s felt like my housemates have been intent on making a mess of things since then, but hopefully I’ve provided some stability. Time to get to work on the second decade! #Larryversary
“Having spent 10 years inside number 10 I’ve been asked what my plans are for the future. Let me be clear: this cat is not for retiring and I’m planning for my 20th anniversary already.” #Larryversary
A quick word on my old pal Palmerston (@DiploMog), who served as the Foreign Office cat. It’s true that we didn’t always agree, but I miss him and hope he’s enjoying his retirement in the countryside #Larryversary
My decade in power is international news! #Larryversary
On my #Larryversary I want to thank my good friends at @Battersea_ Dogs and Cats Home - without them who knows where I’d be. Their help when I needed it gave me the opportunity to become the cat I am today.
I know how much you love seeing pictures of me - so please thank @justin_ng @PoliticalPics @imageplotter @PjrFoto and all the other brilliant and dedicated photographers that share their pictures of me on here #Larryversary
Been waiting all day for Johnson to give me my anniversary present... still waiting. #Larryversary
The picture everyone wanted! #Larryversary twitter.com/PoliticalPics/…
ネットで話題になっておりますが、ラリー英国内閣ネズミ捕獲長の在職10周年を心よりお慶び申し上げます。 残念ながら私はお目にかかったことはありませんが、そのご活躍はよく耳にしておりました。 今後のご活躍をご祈念申し上げ、お祝いの言葉と致します。 #Larryversary jiji.com/jc/article?k=2…
Only fitting that I should get a portrait after a decade in the job - Bethanne has done a great job! #Larryversary twitter.com/Bethanne853/st…