【Pick Up Recruitment Notice】 A new character 「Laplace」 is coming soon~ 「Laplace」 Pick Up recruitment event will begin simultaneously! Stay tuned! #NIKKE #Laplace
【NIKKE PROFILE - Laplace】 A simple woman brimming with passion, Laplace very much resembles a protagonist from a shonen manga. “Justice always prevails, and so do I!" #NIKKE #Laplace
【NIKKE PROFILE - Laplace】 ✅: Manufacturer: MISSILIS INDUSTRY ✅: Affiliation: Matis ✅: Weapon: RL: Hero Syndrome Leader of Matis squad who believes she is hero of the highest caliber. Willing to sacrifice for others, Laplace is a true hero in every way. #NIKKE #Laplace
【NIKKE Illustration】 Check out the illustration of Laplace by so品 (@sohin_3)! It seems like it has been used as the cover of the official Missilis magazine! #NIKKE #Laplace
【NIKKE Motion Demonstration】 Laplace - A true blue hero who is the captain of Matis squad. She uses RL: Hero Syndrome, and her Burst skill can switch the output mode of her weapon and sweep her enemies with a powerful laser. #NIKKE #Laplace
【Pick Up Recruitment Notice】 The true blue hero 「Laplace」 recruitment begins! Pick Up period 📅 11/24 after version update ~12/8 4:59:59 (UTC+9) Recruit her from the 「Special Recruit」 now! #NIKKE #Laplace