Looking forward to the #LantingForum on Chinese Modernization and the World, which will open tomorrow in #Shanghai.
Meet-the-World Lounge in #Shanghai is chosen as the venue for #LantingForum not only for its prime location, but also for Shanghai’s stunning change it symbolizes. Once warehouses on a wharf, the site was transformed into modern architecture within years.
This is #Shanghai, the birthplace of the CPC, the pioneer of China’s reform & opening up & a modern socialist metropolis, which is hosting the #LantingForum outside of Beijing for the 1st time. Prominent guests are here to discuss “Chinese Modernization and the World”.
See you tomorrow! #LantingForum
Zhang Weiwei: "China is one of the few non-Western countries to have found a path to success and a path to modernization." #LantingForum
John Ross: "Just over 70 years, China has gone almost the poorest country in the world to a high income economy. Isn't that what every developing country in the world wants?" #LantingForum
Yoro Diallo: "I traveled 30 countries in the world, but I never saw leaders so correct, more engaged for people than the Chinese leader." #LantingForum
Kishore Mahbubani: "Why is it that the long established great economic powers like the US and the EU have failed to share the development successes with their neighbors whereas by contrast China has done so?" #LantingForum
Max Baucus: "Americans don't understand China ... The more Americans were to spend more time in China, the more they see that dynamism, the growth in the sense of community in a family in China." #LantingForum
#LantingForum Highlights: Chinese Modernization and the World