#LaunchZone 被选为 Moniwar 孵化器 。 10月12号,@moniwar_game IDO 会在 LaunchZone Pad 上启动。 更多信息即将推出 ……📢📢📢 👉参与 #DiamondHand 计划、LaunchZone 俱乐部、#LZHeroes 计划和白名单以有机会参与 #LZPad 上的所有IDO。 #LaunchZonehref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ $LZ twitter.com/LoganDeFi/stat…
🌟Moniwar 于10 月 12 日 在 #LZPad 发射 欢迎来到奇幻世界 #Moniwar,在这里我们既可以享受新颖的游戏体验,又可以赚钱! 🚀请继续关注并关注我们以获取更多更新! @moniwar_game @launchzoneanna href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZLZ twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
当我提出一些想法时@Heronasia对于加密货币投资者和风险投资人来说,他们有太多的疑虑。 @launchzoneann 将支持我们做出的选择@Heronasia一个引领新加密趋势的项目! #EcoFi #LZPad #LZ
#Moniwar 👉 奇幻的世界,在那里我们可以享受新颖的游戏体验并同时赚钱! 10月12号,#Moniwar 会在 #LZPad 上正式发布。 👉关注 @launchzoneann@moniwar_game 以获取更多更新。 #LaunchZonea href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZLZ #Moniwar twitter.com/xiaoyu_1411/st…
#Heron 白名单的注册量快达到2千人。 📢 前 20名推荐人将免费获得一次奇妙的人间天堂之旅。🏞️ 👉立即注册并沉浸在 @Heronasia 是先驱的 #EcoFi 社区中,为即将到来的 #LZPad 上的 #HERON #IDO 做好准备 。🎉 👉注册链接:heron.lz.finance/?ref_by=ZJfv0p… #LaunchZoneWhitelist #Heron twitter.com/Heronasia/stat…
🔔Important announcement 👉@moniwar_game will officially launch on #LZPad on October 12th - GamePlay To Earn. ♥️Stay tuned and follow us for more updates! #Launchzonea href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZL#LZPZ#MONINI twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
Important announcement @Heronasia's #IDO on #LZPad will be rescheduled - to provide a great experience for investors. Specific time will be announced as soon as possible. Follow us so you don't miss important information. #LaunchZone #LZ #HE twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
在10月份 #LaunchZone 会是许多很火项目的发射台。 #LZPad 上启动的IDO会有4个轮, 我们一起了解怎么在第1、2、3轮购买IDO: 1,#DiamondHand docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-… 2,#LZMembership docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-… 3,#Whitelist docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-… #LaunchZone #LZ #IDO
恭喜 @launchzoneann@OKExChain 的战略合作伙伴关系。🎉🎉🎉 @OKExChain 现在由 #LZPad 支持。 LZPad 是 OKEx Chain 上的第一个 LaunchPad 。👏 👉 我们一起期待即将到来的 IDO 活动。🎊 #LaunchZone 正在尽最#LZ奖励 $LZ 持有者。 谢谢项目团队!🥳 #LaunchZonef="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZone $LZ #OKExChain twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
.@launchzoneann along with 2 projects @StepHeroNFTs, @HeroFiio - #IDO launched on #LZPad is in TOP 10 #BSC PROJECTS WITH THE HIGHEST SOCIAL SIGNAL (24H). 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 twitter.com/BNBSwap/status…
😍Have you joined @moniwar_game's Whitelist yet? 🧐You will miss the opportunity to buy IDO if you ignore this. 🥰Sign up here: moniwar.lz.finance #LZPad - Launchpad of hope. #LaunchZoneWhitelist #MoniWar #PlayToEarn twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
👏🏻This is not just a collaboration. 🧐What do you think about: #LZPad is first LaunchPad on #OKExChain ? 🤩Surely many people will not believe, but while you doubt, others took their chance. #LZPad #LaunchZone #OKEx
👏🏻This is not just a collaboration. 🧐What do you think about: #LZPad is first LaunchPad on #OKExChain ? 🤩Surely many people will not believe, but while you doubt, others took their chance. #LZPad #LaunchZone #OKEx
Are you ready? #HE IDO on #LZPad. 👉And#HEE Premium Pool will be open at 1PM UTC on September 28, 2021. #LaunchZone #HeronEcoRetreat#LZZ 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
🤩A big picture of #LaunchZone's media evolution. 🧐Not only that, we easily see @CafeSwapFinance, @ape_swap... 🥰They are partners, or @StepHeroNFTs, @HeroFiio. They are IDO projects that have appeared on #LZPad. ⚡️And, have you seen the growth of #LaunchZone? TOP 1. #LZ twitter.com/Coin98Insights…
⏰After deciding to postpone the launch date, @Heronasia's IDO on #LZPad will take place on October 30. 👉🏻This is to reinforce stability, bring the best experience for investors, 🧐Note: The whitelist is open and you can register to participate in buying IDO. #LZPad #HeronAsia
⏰After deciding to postpone the launch date, @Heronasia's IDO on #LZPad will take place on October 30. 👉🏻This is to reinforce stability, bring the best experience for investors, 🧐Note: The whitelist is open and you can register to participate in buying IDO. #LZPad #HeronAsia
Important announcement @Heronasia will officially host #IDO on #LZPad on October 30th. Token Name: #HERON. #whitelist registration time to 1:00 PM on October 29. Registration link:heron.lz.finance/?ref_by=v1Z9p1… #LaunchZone #IDO #LZ #LZP
@moniwar_game 项目团队对 #MOWA 的代币分配进行了小幅调整。 具体如下: 👉公开销售(#IDO)的代币分配将从 2% 增加到 3%。 👉储备的分配将从 3% 减少到 2%。 别忘了在10月12号加入在 #LZPad 上启动的 #Moniwar IDO 🚀 👉白名单还在开放,马上注册: bscarmy.com/moniwar-whitel… #LaunchZoneWhitelist twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🤩Great to announce that we can register to @moniwar_game's whitelist through @KardiaChain. 👉🏻Link to register: kai-moniwar.lz.finance ⏰Hurry up, time waits for no one. #MoniWar #LZPad #KardiaChainWhitelist twitter.com/KardiaChain/st…
😍Even though it's still a week away from#MOWAA holding an IDO with #LaunchZone. 📢But the news tha#MOWAWA has been listed on @coingecko has made headlines. 🥰This is a signal, signaling a strong development. #MoniWar #LZPad #IDO
🎉Congratulations @launchzoneann 🎉 👔@StepHeroNFTs, @HeroFiio, @moniwar_game hosted #IDO on #LZPad - top Blockchain Games With Best Social Signal. ✨#LZPad - the launchpad for new projects. #LaunchZone href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$#LZPLZP
🎉Congratulations @launchzoneann 🎉 👔@StepHeroNFTs, @HeroFiio, @moniwar_game hosted #IDO on #LZPad - top Blockchain Games With Best Social Signal. ✨#LZPad - the launchpad for new projects. #LaunchZone href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$#LZPLZP
#1st MONIWAR IDO on LAUNCHZONE (pad.lz.finance) (1/5) Round 1: Diamond Hand Round: 40k$ Allocation is based on the % of your #LZ and #BSCX locked in #LZPad Start time: 1:00 PM UTC - October 12, 2021 End time: 1:30 PM UTC - October 12, 2021 Participating token: #BUSD
🎉 恭喜 #LaunchZone 已达到 20万跟随者。 #Launchzone 现在是许多项目的最佳发射台之一。 一起点名10月份在 #LZPad 上启动的项目: 👉10月12号:@moniwar_game IDO 👉10月22号:@HowlCityNft IDO 👉10月30号:@Heronasia IDO 🔔 立即关注 @launchzoneann 以收到关于IDO 的最新信#LZ?#LZPZ $LZP