#Bitgertarmy Our new bridge DApp is ready! Currently under security audit and alpha testing phase, will be launched in next 3 days. Follow @bitgertPro for the latest updates 🔥🚀 #meta #BRC20 #BNB #BTC #ETH #SOL #Brise #100xgem #ADA #XRP #AVAX #LUNA #CRO #FTM #LINK #Bitgert
#Bitgertarmy Rule #1 don't panic sell Rule #2 don't sell on fud Rule #3 don't trade with emotions. RT and Follow @bitgertPro to remain connected to news regarding #Brise #BRC20 #BTC #BNB #1000xgem #ADA #NFA #Moonshot #Coinbase #ETH #FTM #LINK #LUNA #CRO #1inch #AAVE 🔥🔥🔥
#Bitgertarmy I promise you that #Brise will make you RICH very soon if you HOLD 💯 Are you #Brise lover? Follow @bitgertPro to stay connected to your news 🤞 #Bitgert #BRC20 #BNB #BTC #ETH #BabyDoge #ShibaInu #ADA #XRP #SOL #1000x #FTM #LINK #LUNA wingsdailynews.com/technology/bit…
Multiple tier 1 exchange listing discussions are in process 🔥🚀 Follow @bitgertPro for news regarding #Brise 🔥 #Bitgertpro #BTC #BNB #LUNA #1000xgem #BRC20 #MetaverseNFT #Binance #KuCoin #altcoin
#Bitgertarmy Do you agree with this price prediction? Me: That's my stuff 🤩🤩 As always follow @bitgertPro for the latest updates 🔥 #Bitgert #BTC #BNB #SOL #BRC20 #CRO #MATIC #1000xgem #DeFi #ADA #Cosmos #ftm #LINK #ETH #LUNA #xrp #dogecoin #KuCoin #altcoin #APECOIN
【🔥超大型プレゼント企画🔥】 5日間で1200万円利益でした! この利益の半分をプレゼントします🎁 抽選で LUNA100万円✖️2名🌙 XRP100万円✖️2名 🌙 現金100万円✖️2名 🌙 参加条件 ① @Shanks_ceo フォロー ② この投稿「いいね・RT」 #USTref="/hashtag/LUNA/retweet/1">#LUNA $UST #Giveaway #LUNC 🌙 #シャンクス #ONEPIECE
#Bitgertarmy Bitgert is set to dominate Cardano and Solana with its market capitalization in early 2023🔥🔥 Follow @bitgertPro / @CRYPTOCITIZEN6 to get the latest news 🤞 #BTC #BNB #Bitgertchain #BRC20 #BriseExchange #BitgertStartUpStudio #Launchpad #AVAX #LUNA #1000xgem
#Brise is one of the best project out there🔥🚀 So jump on board 🔥🔥 Follow @bitgertPro #Brise #BRC20 #GASFREEBLOCKCHAIN #BTC #BNB #ETH #FTM #LINK #LUNA #CRO #MATIC #1000xgem
🌛#LUNAA プレゼント企画 合計12万円LUNAをGiveaway(エアドロ)します! ◆配布 🎁3万LUNA × 4名様 ◆応募方法: 1⃣フォロー @Shanks_ceo 2⃣RT&いいね ◆〆切:48時間後 #LUNAa href="/hashtag/UST/retweet/1">#USTST #Giveaway #LUNC 🌙
/ 📣#韓ON! BOX!! 第19話ダイジェスト📹 \ PHONTERVIEW📞に #LUNA _f(x) が登場💃✨ ガチンコバトル🔥から ヨーロッパツアーの密着🌍まで #ACE の魅力たっぷりでお届け👍❣ 更に‼ #SF9 からスペシャルコメントも🥰 放送を見逃すな🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️ 📺3/19(火)16:30〜 👉goo.gl/ETnQga
#Bitgertarmy Issues has been resolved, Our Blockchain is LIVE All those pending transactions will be processed automatically. Retweet and follow @bitgertPro #Bitgertarmy #BTC #Brisechain #BRISEPAY #Etherum #ADA #XRP #SOL #1000x #FTM #LINK #LUNA #CRO #MATIC #BabyDoge #SHIB
𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀_ 𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐀𝐅𝐄🎸🌙 종현이의 첫 드라마를 응원합니다✨ 자세한 사항은 공지를 참고해주세요 #신이_선택한_미모_이신 #신이랑_함께하는_너의밤 #김종현 #JR #이신 #LEESHIN #NUEST #뉴이스트 #LUNA #루나 #너의밤이되어줄게
167 キャンペーン
🌛#LUNAA プレゼント企画! LUNC先出し配信で利益出たので、 合計30万LUNAをGiveaway(エアドロ)します! ◆配布 🎁10万LUNA × 3名様 ◆応募方法: 1⃣フォロー @Shanks_ceo 2⃣RT&いいね ◆〆切:48時間後 実績あります🎁 #LUNA href="/hashtag/UST/retweet/1">#USTUST #Giveaway #LUNC #投資 #シャンクス #ONEPIECE #BTC
#Bitgert is the definition of utilities 🔥 Are you a real investor? Then fill your bags with #Brise 🚀 Follow @bitgertPro /@CRYPTOCITIZEN6 for more news 🤞 #Bitgert #BRC20 #BNB #BTC #ETH #SOL #ADA #AVAX #LUNA #CRO #FTM #LINK #XRPCommunity #414Day #BabyDoge #blockchain #Brise
169 キャンペーン
シャンクス社長のプレゼント企画🌙 【内容】 30万円分プレゼント🎁 当選者には Bitcoin、現金、LUNAの中から1つ 選んで貰います 条件 ❶このツイート いいね・RT ❷@Shanks_ceo フォロー 大人気なので💮締切48時間後 抽選で“3名“当選しますので DM解放してください🕊🎁 #LUNA #Giveaway #BTC
#Bitgertarmy #Brise billions mcap this year is a must and will happen🔥🤑 Like & RT if you believe🔥 Either you join or stay aside watching #Brise grow 🔥🚀 Follow @bitgertPro #BTC #BNB #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #BRC20 #KuCoin #BBNaija #fromis_9 #ADA #AVAX #LUNA #FTM #LINK
One thing to AVOID in 2022🔥🔥 -selling #Brise (don't mesh with your millionaire dream)🔥🔥 As always hit follow @bitgertPro @CRYPTOCITIZEN6 for more information regarding #Brise 🔥 #BTC #BNB #BRC20 #ADA #1000xgem #KuCoin #Coinbase #ETH #FTM #LINK #LUNA #CRO #MATIC #Bitgert
🌛#LUNCC プレゼント企画! LUNAパチで利益出てる、合計9万LUNCをGiveaway(エアドロ)します! ◆配布 🎁3万LUNC × 3名様 ◆応募方法: 1⃣フォロー @Shanks_ceo 2⃣RT&いいね  引用RTで当選率UP🔥 ◆〆切:48時間後 #LUNA href="/hashtag/UST/retweet/1">#USTUST #Giveaway #luna #OP_FILMRED
#Bitgertarmy The #Bitgert team has built a chain that addresses the blockchain trilemma. The Bitgert BRC20 blockchain has the fastest speed, lowest gas fee, and the most secure chain. #blockchain #Crypto #cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #BNB #BRC20 #SOL #ETH #AVAX #LUNA #FTM #LINK
#Bitgertarmy Come on ask me something about what's coming and i would answer each and everyone comments 😂🔥 Let's goooo #bitgertpro #cryptocitizen6 #BTC #BRC20 #BNB #SOL #ADA #AVAX #LUNA #FTM #LINK #ETH #BabyDoge #SAFEMOON #Coinbase #KuCoin #Litecoin #altcoin #cryptocurrency
#Bitgertarmy Bitgert Chain Servers Under Maintainence - Our team is working on the upgradation, will be live back soon. As always follow @bitgertPro to remain connected to your news 🔥 #Brise #BRC20 #BTC #BRC20 #Bitgertchain #MATIC #MANA #FTM #LINK #CRO #LUNA #1000Xgems #bnb