Fan arts about Yixing on Back To Field S5(1/4) Can you recall all these scenes? Show us related screenshots pls💜 Start to miss 🐑Yixing already😭 Cr.今天也是放飞自我的蕾酱 @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #ZhangYixing #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210705 Back to Field preview Master, here is a guest~ (The voice is so cute) Yixing wants to play a game with the children, "I have a book I like very much. I wonder if any of you can find it?" @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #张艺兴 #Lay #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #CEOLAY
210725 @lay_studio weibo update 1p Here's the song 🎶🎶🎶made by Lay together with guys in the Mogu House 🔗Link to listen… @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
[ENG] OMG, you are just like a wall, fatty girl (the dog)🤣🤣I almost fell down. Tiktok: Our account: @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210724 Back to Field PLUS Yixing related 1 clip Yixing was playing the piano before he left Mogu House🙂 @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210528 Back to Field Ep05 Yixing related Yixing and these small trees look like a peacock spreading it's tail from this angle 🦚🦚🤣🤣 @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #mpop #cpop #CEOLAY
210604 Back to Field weibo update R u ready? Let's listen to Yixing's Jazz music~ 🎵 Yixing made it in one day~ @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210611 Back To Field ep08 Yixing's part Yixing's getting up😘 So Cute Baby!!! He must be only 3 years old!😭 @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210531 Back to Field Yixing related Almighty Lay! Li Dan: U r so professional Yixing! You learn driving tractors and boats here. Yixing: and also cooking! Li Dan: Awesome! U can go adventure with Bell if u stay here longer😆 @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #LayZhang #张艺兴
210724 Back to Field PLUS Yixing related 1 clip [ENG]Meimei:What kind of animal do you think you are? Yixing: I feel like a bee, working hard all the time without a break. @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY