[MISC] 210818 📢 Empathy tracks in JAPAN Spotify Viral 50🥳 #50 Rose #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo #공감 @weareoneEXO
[INSTA] 221004 KBSDrama Insta posted information regarding the Press Conf. Streaming of #BadProsecutor 📆10/5 2PM Platform: 한국방송 YT, KBS Drama YT, NaverTV, myK instagram.com/p/CjSJHMtt5Qq/… #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
albums, I will directly make a D.O. special (episode)! Vid © wonshimuniverse #엑소디오 #도경수 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[ARTICLE] 221109 New still cuts and article on #BadProsecutor’s last league of episodes “Bad Prosecutor Doh Kyungsoo, awakening after Kim Sangho’s death!.. forewarning of a cider counterattack” n.news.naver.com/entertain/arti… #엑소디오 #도경수 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[CAPS] 220822 Kyungsoo looking at the food Jongin prepared🥰 youtu.be/EYmcJf3VCYs #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[MISC] 211225 Interestingly, ‘Croissant’ is still in South Korea’s trending no. 3 almost 3 hours after Kyungsoo’s 🧼 #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[TRANS] 210727 Japanese Hallyu site Wow!Korea has posted an article/small review of Empathy, praising Kyungsoo’s voice and the title track’s lyrics and feel ☺️🌹 🔗 s.wowkorea.jp/news/read/3087… #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[MISC] 210821 All three 🧼 tags already trending in South Korea!! Don’t forget to use the tags if you have something to say❤️ #경수버블 #디오버블 #뚜뚜버블 #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
LIKE THIS PIC GUYS!! (Admin is 90% sure this is Kyungsoo’s since he appeared in other pics) hahaha #엑소디오 #도경수 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO twitter.com/in_ksoomissedi…
[PIC] 220513 Kyungsoo still cuts from ep. 1 of Off The Grid (3) #잠적_도경수 #DohKyungsoo_OffTheGrid #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[CHARTS] D.O. - ‘Rose’ – 1 PM KST #17 Bugs (+2) #33 FLO (=) #42 genie (-2) #67 Melon 24Hits (+7) #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo #공감 @weareoneEXO
Kyungsoo said that “Jin Jung is a bad prosecutor who is fighting for justice, the script is very fun, and the story is very witty, I decided to do this as Jin Jung character seems like it has many charms that I’ve never done before” #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo
[VID] 221225 EXO Members in a new video for the 2022 Winter SMCU Palace with Kyungsoo💕 youtu.be/88Kzr7ZhTag #엑소디오 #도경수 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[MISC] 210731 Naver Vibe (music streaming service)’s playlist Vibe Trend (IDOL-LIC) included D.O.’s Rose for this week “Vocalist that shows his charm with his sweet voice” vibe.naver.com/playlist/flags… #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
(Cont) Come with me Doh Kyungsoo through Off The Grid” #잠적_도경수 #DohKyungsoo_OffTheGrid #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[VID] 221013 #BadProsecutor ep.4 preview has also been uploaded on Youtube! Like, share, and watch the video🥰 youtu.be/NLz5xCnybn0 #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[VID] 220129 Lyricist Cho Yoonkyung and Danke team posted a video talking about working for the lyrics for Kyungsoo’s ‘Empathy’ (It’s Love, Dad, I’m Gonna Love You) youtu.be/hUU60xBzfag *tn: admin will translate soon #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[TRANS] 230403 “EXO-L let’s all be healthy. You are cool” #엑소디오 #도경수 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO twitter.com/weareoneEXO/st…
[MISC] 공감 (Empathy) tracks inside Top 50 most played tracks in the Philippines #27 Rose - English Version #38 Rose #45 I'm Gonna Love You #49 My Love 🎧 spoti.fi/2WnjNjK #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo #공감 @weareoneEXO
Photographer 5 (Kyungsoo is so cute chasing after people😆😆🥰, also probs taken by jeonghoon since he liked it lol) instagram.com/p/CoQsEt9hTE9/… #엑소디오 #도경수 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[VID] 221007 #BadProsecutor ep. 3 teaser is posted on KBS youtube Let’s support Kyungsoo and casts & crews by tuning in! youtu.be/bPlv8TnnSwQ #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[TRANS] 210715 This Wikitree article’s twitter caption translates to “Now I don’t have any more regrets…”, when talking about D.O.’s upcoming solo, representing everyone’s high anticipation for D.O.’s ‘Rose’🌹 #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO twitter.com/wikitree/statu…
[VID] 210731 MV filming before DFTF release Mok JungWook Photographer: heard EXO’s new album will be released soon 🐧: Yes in June. All the pics turned out nicely NJ: Right! MJW was also in charge of that youtu.be/jG537ISE330 #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO
[TRANS] 211117 Caption: “Do Kyungsoo visited our restaurant with his family. He’s really handsome~ today I became a squid. His family are very nice. They also said that they ate deliciously and will visit again. Please do come again^^” #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo
[TRANS] 210716 Photographer Mok Jungwook (prev worked with Kyungsoo for Singles Magazine Pictorial) shared weareone.exo’s Teaser post through his Insta Story instagram.com/stories/mokjun… #엑소디오 #디오 #DO (D.O.) #KyungSoo @weareoneEXO twitter.com/mystic_doh/sta…