Alban loves Sonny's milord impression #Knoxclips #Brisklips
🎭 I found a halva! whatever that is 🔗 You don't know about Halva? 🎭 What's halva? 🔗 HALVA NICE DAY~ 🎭 🔗 ...Alban? Sonny got ignored by his sweet otouto... poor taichou😂 #Knoxclips #Brisklips
🔗 I'm locked in 🎭 No stopping 🔗 I'm feeling like I'm sitting in the cock~pit 🎭 on the cock! 🔗 No! SitA Sonnyban duet TSKR...... #Knoxclips #Brisklips
🎭 Briskadets were telling me how much you like poop 🔗 What? No I don't, they like poop. They're projecting 🎭 They told me うんち, うんち 🔗 Yeah Briskadets love うんち i apologize for our naughty tenchou #Knoxclips #Brisklips
꿀 떨어지는 써니반의 마무리멘트💛🧡 🎭 You're honestly like, uh... 🎭 how do I say without being cringe 🔗 You can be cringe 🎭 You're like a brother to me, so I really do appreciate spending these moments with you 🔗 Me too, I feel the same way #Brisklips #Knoxclips
☕️ アルバーン先輩 🎭 はい ☕️ あ、help me 🎭 アハハ、なんで?どうしたの? ☕️ Very very long...です あああああああ🥹🥹🥹 #Knoxclips #サクッと雲雀
🎭 え、雲雀!もしかして、ENか? ☕️うん?! 🎭 発音、完璧じゃないか ☕️ 本当に?アルバーン先輩, very very kind 세상에서 가장 상냥한 치어리더냥 #Knoxclips #サクッと雲雀
🎀Alban's pink frilly apron reveal🎀 #Knoxclips #Albanlive
🎭 I have an idea! Wait, wait! his index finger holy shit it's so cuuuuuuuuute 😂😂😂 #Knoxclips #Albanlive
🎭 I don't have baby hands, I have big strong hands 🎭 for stealing jewels 🎭 This is me stealing diamonds 다이아몬드를 훔치는 괴도냥의 짱쎈 앞발 #Knoxclips #Albanlive
🎭 Where are your parents? 🎭 FUCK YOUUUU!!!🖕 🎭 No I'm kidding, I love you, I'm sorry🫶 Alban flipping the bird to chat TSKR 알반에게 드디어 실물빠큐를 받아봅니다 #Knoxclips
ダークマターに大爆笑するアルバーン🤣 🎭 읗흐하핳 읗하핳 읗흐핳핳꺅 나 알반 이렇게까지 웃는거 처음봄 ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 웃어서 배아프대 #Knoxclips
Alban's new intro song "Kaitou Boogie" is such a banger🧡🧡🧡 #Knoxclips #Albanlive
also Alban's new outro song "Cat's yawn" fits him so well too🥹🧡 고양이의 하품 #Knoxclips #Albanlive
🎭 Welcome to the offcollab 🐑 u r torturing them with that? 🔮 Alban's being cruel 🎭 But I'm poking you right now 🐑 Not there, Albanyan 🎧 This room is so stinky 🔗 I haven't showered for 3 days, sorry 🔮 I'm leaving the chaos #OVideos #Brisklips #Knoxclips #Ukilipse #Yuclip
알반이 말해주는 빅터 리아스의 이야기 🎭 I really looked up to him. He was the reason that I'm as confident as I am today 🎭I try to take after him as best as I can, so I hope I can make him proud Alban talking about Victor Rias, an old friend of his 💔 #Knoxclips
🎇: Alban is the coolest~ 🎇: Alban is the greatest~ 🎇: Alban is the shortest~ 🎭: 😆🎵...😐? 🎭: Wait, what was the last... can you re-sing that? Altare singing a song for Alban🎵 #RegiTales #Knoxclips
🎭 Is that you? Your mask is creepy 🖋️ Why do you see everything, why can't I see anything? 🎭 oh you have red hair~ 🖋️ Yeah... apparently 🎭 You kinda look like a serial killer 🖋️ 🙂? 🎭 I'm sorry I'm sowrry Ikey's stare lmao #SliceOfIke #Knoxclips
🎭:open the door 🚪 🔗:u have to say password, say the password 🐏:🤣🤣🤣🤣 🔗:the password is…….meow 🎭:meow 🔗:very well #SonnyLive #Brisklips #AlbanLive #Knoxclips
🎭:Whats the password? 🔮:Let me in or else I’ll fuckin kill u 🎭:Ok get inside 🐑:Nah that doesnt sound too serious *🔮fighting zombies* 🐑:Get in🔮! 🔮:Now u care 🐑:I dont want u to die, I just want u to get angry. Angry🔮sexy #Ovideos #ukilipse #Knoxclips #Brisklips
🎭: Guys, look at how many infected I kill ₕₑᵧ 🐑: Look how much damage u did to the tank, you’re incredible 🔮: I almost chocked on my tea. You’re, cause 🎭 was just like “look how much infected I kill ₕₑᵧ” #Knoxclips #Ukilipse #OVideos
🎭: Noot noot 🥺🥺🥺🐧 #Knoxclips
debut🔗: thank you mama for giving me such a beautiful body, how about we take a closer look. 🔗: let's take a closer look at my body 🎭: emmm yes please 🐑: take off the jacket big boy #Brisklips #Ovideos #Knoxclips
🎭: sup b*tch 🔗: Who's a b*tch? 🎭: er-fulgur! I'm sowrry🥺 🎭: Put the blame on me 🔗: I do blame you 🎭: TSKR, thank you 대장 한마디에 꼬리내리는 알바냥 #Knoxclips #Brisklips #Ovideos #Ukilipse