🎭 Where are your parents? 🎭 FUCK YOUUUU!!!🖕 🎭 No I'm kidding, I love you, I'm sorry🫶 Alban flipping the bird to chat TSKR 알반에게 드디어 실물빠큐를 받아봅니다 #Knoxclips
🎭 I don't have baby hands, I have big strong hands 🎭 for stealing jewels 🎭 This is me stealing diamonds 다이아몬드를 훔치는 괴도냥의 짱쎈 앞발 #Knoxclips #Albanlive
🎭 I have an idea! Wait, wait! his index finger holy shit it's so cuuuuuuuuute 😂😂😂 #Knoxclips #Albanlive
🎀Alban's pink frilly apron reveal🎀 #Knoxclips #Albanlive
🎭 え、雲雀!もしかして、ENか? ☕️うん?! 🎭 発音、完璧じゃないか ☕️ 本当に?アルバーン先輩, very very kind 세상에서 가장 상냥한 치어리더냥 #Knoxclips #サクッと雲雀
☕️ アルバーン先輩 🎭 はい ☕️ あ、help me 🎭 アハハ、なんで?どうしたの? ☕️ Very very long...です あああああああ🥹🥹🥹 #Knoxclips #サクッと雲雀
꿀 떨어지는 써니반의 마무리멘트💛🧡 🎭 You're honestly like, uh... 🎭 how do I say without being cringe 🔗 You can be cringe 🎭 You're like a brother to me, so I really do appreciate spending these moments with you 🔗 Me too, I feel the same way #Brisklips #Knoxclips
🎭 Briskadets were telling me how much you like poop 🔗 What? No I don't, they like poop. They're projecting 🎭 They told me うんち, うんち 🔗 Yeah Briskadets love うんち i apologize for our naughty tenchou #Knoxclips #Brisklips
🔗 I'm locked in 🎭 No stopping 🔗 I'm feeling like I'm sitting in the cock~pit 🎭 on the cock! 🔗 No! SitA Sonnyban duet TSKR...... #Knoxclips #Brisklips
🎭 I found a halva! whatever that is 🔗 You don't know about Halva? 🎭 What's halva? 🔗 HALVA NICE DAY~ 🎭 🔗 ...Alban? Sonny got ignored by his sweet otouto... poor taichou😂 #Knoxclips #Brisklips
Alban loves Sonny's milord impression #Knoxclips #Brisklips
一夜限りとは言わせないレンレン良過ぎたので別途切り抜きました #Knoxclips #RenZotto youtu.be/C_LadbAiTR4
🎭 頑張って、オレ…ボク!俺?僕?え? 🎭Where did the ORE come from? 🎭I don't think that really fits me 보쿠 대신 오레를 써버린 알반 "オレ는 나랑 안 어울리는 것 같아" #Knoxclips
🎭 Get out of my way! I got cats to feed 공포게임에서 길고양이 밥주러 다니는 고양이 점장님🐱🧡 #Knoxclips
🎭🕒 Sonny, you are my good luck charm! 🔗💬 The character in this looks so cute 🎭🕒 I know, she's so cuuuute 🔗💬 oh wait that's ur face 🎭🕒 *flustered* eh heh😉 대장의 플러팅에 애교로 답하는 알반 #Sonnyban #Knoxclips
Alban communicating with cats in meow language🐱 알바냥의 미야웅 무한제공사건 #Knoxclips #Albanlive
알반은 엠티 다음날 아침에 제일 먼저 일어나서 해장라면 끓여주는 그런 친구 💬: How are you awake after last night? 🎭: Willpower! Determination! #Knoxclips
🎭: da la la la~ dalalala hamutaro~ 🎭: I remember that☺️ Alban's hamutaro song🐹 방가방가 우리친구 햄토리🐹 #Knoxclips
🎭: Prof, FLEXポーズ知ってますか?あの、両腕のポーズ 🍵: 筋肉のやつ? 🎭: そうそうそう!出来ますか? 🍵: 💪💪 🎭: そうそうそう、完璧!すごくカッコいいよ〜 올리버쌤을 '프로뿌'로 부르는 알바냥🧡 日本語ペラペラになってるよ🥹 #オリバー3D #Knoxclips
本日の朝活!Let's play rock-paper-scissors with Alban🧡 #Knoxclips #AlbanKnox
🎭: Welcome back, Takaradachi! 🎭: Would you like dinner? Would you like a bath? Or would you like Alban? kyaaaaaa😆 #Knoxclips
🔮: Hiii Alban 🎭: Hi, Uki🧡 Uki Uki Daisuki 🎭: ah yeah. Hey other guys, I guess 우키한테만 상냥한 알바냥 ㅋㅋㅋ #Knoxclips #albanlive #Ukilipse
Grill Voice가 불가능한 알반과 미키에게 DP(🔞)를 제안하는 피나나 🐠: You wanna experience a DP? 🎭: the WHAT?!!?! 🏆: Donald's pants, yeah yeah #Knoxclips #TatsuTalk #FinanaLive
From 100K to 500K, a journey full of happiness🧡 おめでとう、アルバーン! 🎭: We did it! 🎭: It's not just me, it's our moment 🎭: I would be nothing without you 🎭: It wasn't just me, it was us. It was all of us #AlbanKnox #Knoxclips
🎭: When I do say when I'm proud of you guys, I really do mean that. There's a lot of things that you guys have shared with me. And I'm proud of all the things that you guys have done while you've been here, watching the stream. crying my eyes out #Knoxclips #Albanlive