🎭 え、雲雀!もしかして、ENか? ☕️うん?! 🎭 発音、完璧じゃないか ☕️ 本当に?アルバーン先輩, very very kind 세상에서 가장 상냥한 치어리더냥 #Knoxclips #サクッと雲雀
Alban talking about 6th wave ILUNA! 🎭: I'm finally a senpai!!! 🎭: It's so strange to be called senpai because I've just been kouhai, the newest 🎭: It's different, but also feels very nice 선배가 된 아기고양이🥺🧡👏👏 #albanlive #Knoxclips
🎭 Is that you? Your mask is creepy 🖋️ Why do you see everything, why can't I see anything? 🎭 oh you have red hair~ 🖋️ Yeah... apparently 🎭 You kinda look like a serial killer 🖋️ 🙂? 🎭 I'm sorry I'm sowrry Ikey's stare lmao #SliceOfIke #Knoxclips
꿀 떨어지는 써니반의 마무리멘트💛🧡 🎭 You're honestly like, uh... 🎭 how do I say without being cringe 🔗 You can be cringe 🎭 You're like a brother to me, so I really do appreciate spending these moments with you 🔗 Me too, I feel the same way #Brisklips #Knoxclips
🎭: We're going on a date! 🔗: Without me?! 🔗: You wanna get into Japanese clothing? 🎭: Yeah, specifically yours! 🎭: Quit hugging her or you'll ruin her makeup! 🔗: That's what I'm trying to do😡 🔗: Oops my bad~ #Sonnylive #Albanlive #Knoxclips #Brisklips #Sonnyban
알반이 말해주는 빅터 리아스의 이야기 🎭 I really looked up to him. He was the reason that I'm as confident as I am today 🎭I try to take after him as best as I can, so I hope I can make him proud Alban talking about Victor Rias, an old friend of his 💔 #Knoxclips
🎭: Fly me to the moon~ 💬: TSKR 🎭: and let me kick its fucking ass~ 💬: WHAT #Knoxclips
🎭: da la la la~ dalalala hamutaro~ 🎭: I remember that☺️ Alban's hamutaro song🐹 방가방가 우리친구 햄토리🐹 #Knoxclips
💬: If the earth was going to end today, what is the last thing that you would want to eat? 🎭: mmm...... *wiggles* 🎭: SALMON. Fish. Sushi x 3 ! Maguro! Tuna! kitty does looooove fish🍣 #Knoxclips
🎭: (hiding from police) I used to have to do this all the time, back in the day 🎭: When I first met Sonny, getting away from VSF was a piece of cake Gerting away from VSF was easy? I wonder why hmmge🤔 #Knoxclips #Albanlive
🎭: Sonny! Do your Gendo! 🔗: いやだ😂 🎭: Sonny~ おねがい!! 🔗: よくアルバーンにゲンドウやらされてます😅 Sonny doesn't know how to say 'No' to his cute Otouto😌 #Brisklips #Knoxclips #Sonnyban
🔗: I got an icecream! 🎭: C-Can I have a bite? 🔗: あーあん 🎭: あーあん, hehehe Sonnyban being so tee tee during the break🥹🥹 #Sonnylive #Albanlive #Knoxclips #Brisklips #Sonnyban
🔗&🎭の早口言葉 (にゃにゃにゃ ver.) 써니와 알반의 냐냐냐 잰말놀이 #Brisklips #Knoxclips
🎭: I'm with Sonny! サニーと一緒🧡 🔗: *accidentally hit Alban with ax* 🎭: ouch I got a boo-boo🥺 🔗: That's more than a boo-boo😅 Alban becomes Albaby when Sonny is around🤯 #Sonnyban #Albanlive #Knoxclips
🎭: I wanted to do the cool satchel thing 🖋️: It's ok! It's ok, Alban~ 🐑: This is how you learn to do them. You're doing great! 🖋️: YOU'RE DOING AMAZING, SWEETIE. 🎭: thank you🥹 #SliceofIke #IkeStreamland #Ovideos #Knoxclips
🎭: My VSF&my BFF 🔗: Which one has a higher rank? 🌊: There is no higher rank 🎭: ...they are all equal... 🔗: How can it be, that doesn't make sense... ok, I won't worry about it, FOR NOW Sonny got jealous😳 #AlbanLive #SonnyLive #suha_live #Knoxclips #Brisklips #Sonnyban
ダークマターに大爆笑するアルバーン🤣 🎭 읗흐하핳 읗하핳 읗흐핳핳꺅 나 알반 이렇게까지 웃는거 처음봄 ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 웃어서 배아프대 #Knoxclips
🎧美味しくなれ、モエモエキュン! 🔗Did you have one for Alban, by the way? 🔗Let me look up Alban's asset tag Sonny's passion for Alban's maid costume omg im gonna lose it😂😂😂 #YugoONAIR #Yuclip #Sonnyban #Brisklips #Knoxclips
🎧 I did it(🍒)in my mouth 🔗 How did you do that? 🎭 S-Sonny, do you wanna practice? Tying cherry stems? 🔗 Uh... I don't need a practice 🐑 Otouto will teach you #Yuclip #Brisklips #Knoxclips #Ovideos #Sonnyban
가족들 중에서 아빠를 선택한 puppyban🐶 #Knoxclips
🎀Alban's pink frilly apron came in🎀 🎭: It's really cute, I like it. It's a pink apron, it's got a white frills on edges of the apron. And there's a little pocket in the front that I can use for anything that I need #albanlive #Knoxclips
🎭: Noot noot 🥺🥺🥺🐧 #Knoxclips
🎭 頑張って、オレ…ボク!俺?僕?え? 🎭Where did the ORE come from? 🎭I don't think that really fits me 보쿠 대신 오레를 써버린 알반 "オレ는 나랑 안 어울리는 것 같아" #Knoxclips
Alban loves Sonny's milord impression #Knoxclips #Brisklips
🎭: 나는 다 큰 어른이니까 걱정 안 해줘도 괜찮아! 🎭: 그리고 여러분도 스스로를 잘 챙겨줘 Alban is cute and adorable, but also he's a grown adult! So don't worry about him and let's take good care of ourselves🧡 #Knoxclips