200507 햇빛 보다 더 빛난다 너어어 ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ 예ㅃㅓ💙 #Knock  #Gateway  #아스트로  #ASTRO  #차은우 #CHAEUNWOO #アストロ #ウヌ #이동민 #로하수호 @offclASTRO
잘자라 우리 엠제이😊 꿈에서 Knock Knock Knock #아스트로 #엠제이 #Knock
♡200507출근 아이구 귀여워요ㅜㅜㅜ 너무너무너무 귀엽당ㅜㅜ #ASTRO #아스트로 #GATEWAY       #Knock #널찾아가 #윤산하 #산하 #따나 #YOONSANHA #SANHA #サナ #尹产贺 #三哈 #ยุนซานฮา @offclASTRO
自撮りの動画メッセージはTikTokでも公開中💓 🎥ASTRO 動画メッセージ tiktok.com/@girlswalkerne… #ASTRO #GATEWAY #Knock #아스트로 @jp_offclastro twitter.com/girlswalkernew…
🐶Girlswalker viewers, Wanna be ur Star 🌟Hello! We're #ASTRO 🐮In this mini album #GATEWAY we'll be time traveller to come to meet u 🐱Title song #Knock is about travel thru time & space to find someone u can't meet now to where u can be together forever 🐥Pls listen to it a lot
“清涼アイドル” ASTROが girlswalkerに初登場💜❤️ 5月4日に7thミニアルバム 『GATEWAY』でカムバック🔥 進化した“パワー清涼”のコンセプトで 魅了します👀💓 📝インタビュー記事はこちら girlswalker.com/archives/24741… 📸画像31枚掲載 独占フォトも! #ASTRO #GATEWAY #Knock #아스트로 @jp_offclastro
KNK's Seoham promoted #ASTRO's comeback #GATEWAY in his vlive last night. Love their KNKstro friendship. 🥰 Although it is a short one, thanks for keeping #아스트로 in your mention. Let's keep #Knock cr: Ookami_KNK & MoonrockFairy
#ASTRO #GATEWAY WHOLE ALBUM Chart in MelOn at 7:00 kst 70 #Knock 91 We Still 92 내 이름을 부를 대 93 Sombody Like 94 빛이 돼줄게 95 12시간 Never underestimate the power of AROHAs. We have the whole album charted in MelOn on the 4th day since release. I am so proud of you all! 💜
200506 은우야 오늘 하루도 고생했오 차나잇 💙 내일도 차이링 ✊🏼 #Knock #Gateway #아스트로 #ASTRO #차은우 #CHAEUNWOO #アストロ #ウヌ #이동민 #로하수호 @offclASTRO
200506 💙 오래만 은우야ㅑㅑ,, 울 왕자님 왔어여 🚪🤛🏻 #Knock #Gateway #아스트로  #ASTRO  #차은우 #CHAEUNWOO #アストロ #ウヌ #이동민 #로하수호 @offclASTRO
#ASTRO interview with Ray ~ Japan magazine 200506 - Concept of #GATEWAY & all the songs - Highlight of #Knock #널찾아가 - #아스트로's favorite song in this album - 🥇1st place pledge (❣️let's get it AROHAs, they've several pledges) - message to J-Aroha💜 🔗ray-web.jp/55177?page=1
제가 지금 뭘 본거죠😮🤭😚💙🐻 #차은우 #아스트로 #Knock
아로하, 오늘 발바닥이 남아나질 않을 거야👣 #아스트로 의 파워 청량.. 큐트.. 매력 뚝뚝 떨어지는 #내이름을부를때 무대 보고 발 동동!!😭 #Knock 듣다가 흥을 주체 못 해서...🦶🏻 (쿵)Knock...🦶🏻(쿵) Knock...😉 모두 발로 비트를 쪼개봅시다 잠시 후 6시 #쇼챔피언 최초 공개! 기대해~💜
🐶Everyone in Ray’s corner. We’re #ASTRO 🐥ASTRO’s 7th mini album #GATEWAY has been released 🐱Title song's #Knock 🦊🎤 🐮Is full of ASTRO’s power & freshness 🐺Pls do listen to it 🐶That’s all. Wanna be your Star.. 🐱Pls listen 🦊Knock Knock Bye~bye~
韓国からコメント動画も届きましたっ😍 #GATEWAY#Knock 今すぐチェック✔してみてね〜! @jp_offclastro
韓国でアルバム #GATEWAY を 発売した #ASTRO にインタビュー❤️ メンバーのオススメ曲🎧🎵や #Knock ステージの見どころを 聞いちゃいました😘💕 日本のAROHAに向けたメッセージも あるからお見逃しなく😍❣ #아스트로 #널찾아가 @jp_offclastro ray-web.jp/55177
#ASTRO will be performing #Knock #널찾아가 & 내 이름을 부를 때 "When You Call My Name" from its 7th mini album #GATEWAY in Show Champion later today with their power refreshing charm & to host a special corner '음. 소. 거' where they'll have special music introduction #아스트로
♡190203 팬싸 어린이날 축하해용🥳🍼 우리 애기따나는 제일 귀여운 사람이죠~🥰 #ASTRO #아스트로 #GATEWAY       #Knock #널찾아가 #윤산하 #산하 #따나 #YOONSANHA #SANHA #サナ #尹产贺 #三哈 #ยุนซานฮา @offclASTRO