📌 XIA The Best Ballad Spring Concert vol.3’ in Japan DAY 2 (230408)🎶 🎶 RISING SUN - Dance medley🔥 every moves did it perfectly after years 🤯🤩 @1215thexiahtic #KimJunsu #Junsu #XIA #김준수 #ジュンス #시아준수
📌Junsu Instagram post update (230414)💞💖 “The shoes are realy pretty, Jiyong~~ I’ll wear it well^^👍” 👉🏻 instagram.com/p/CrARv3vJ7oW/… after Jaejoong, we got Junsu x GD 👀🫶🏻✨ @1215thexiahtic #KimJunsu #Junsu #XIA #김준수 #ジュンス #시아준수 #GD #지드래곤 #BIGBANG
📣 [NEW ARTI] #Fromm X #KimJunsu 📣 Singer and musical actor #KimJunsu is joining Fromm. Korea's top musical actor Kim Junsu is gaining recognition for his role in "Death Note" with his unique voice and emotional expression! Share 1:1 messages with Kim Junsu today on Fromm!🙂
📣 [NEW ARTI] #Fromm X #KimJunsu 📣 Singer and musical actor #KimJunsu is joining Fromm. Korea's top musical actor Kim Junsu is gaining recognition for his role in "Death Note" with his unique voice and emotional expression! Share 1:1 messages with Kim Junsu today on Fromm!🙂
📌[EVENT] #Fromm X #KimJunsu📌 'fromm Kim Junsu' subscribers get a chance to win a signed polaroid and a 1 year subscription to Kim Junsu’s Wonderwall class. Subscribe to #KimJunsu on Fromm, take a screenshot, and tag @fromm_official on Twitter. #프롬김준수 @palmtreeisland_
📌[EVENT] #Fromm X #KimJunsu📌 'fromm Kim Junsu' subscribers get a chance to win a signed polaroid and a 1 year subscription to Kim Junsu’s Wonderwall class. Subscribe to #KimJunsu on Fromm, take a screenshot, and tag @fromm_official on Twitter. #프롬김준수 @palmtreeisland_