Things were quite lonely for #Jacob this week, but he still did his best to bring out enough cuteness to make up for #Kevin too! MC Cobi held down the fort with his infinite charms, which you can see every Friday at 1pm KST at #SimplyKpop! PS. Kevin, you were missed!!! ㅠㅠ
이제는 셀카의 달인이 되어가는 우리 MC 우리 심플리 식구들이 보는 셀카여서 그런지 평소보다 더더 잔망미 가득한 장난꾸러기 케콥 매주 금요일! 심플리 케이팝에 오시면 우리 케콥을 만날 수 있어요~ #THEBOYZ #Jacob #Kevin #SimplyKpop
Our MCs are becoming selfie pros! Perhaps it's because these selfies are for our #SimplyKpop fam, but #Jacob & #Kevin seem to be getting more and more playful! Remember, you can catch #MoonBae every Friday at 1pm KST!
"Can we take selfies with the fans?" - MoonBae Why, yes! Yes you can! And if you watch #SimplyKpop, you can join #Jacob & #Kevin on their many MC adventures, so make sure to watch #KeCob every Friday at 1pm KST
「ミニオン🍌×イッツデモ💕」 本日11/27(火)より発売開始✨🎶「ミニオン」と「イッツデモ」がお届ける最高のクリスマス🎄❣️ ぜひ、ご覧ください💕 #minion #ミニオン #Bob #ボブ #Kevin #ケビン #Stuart #スチュアート #怪盗グルー #illumination #イルミネーション #Christmas #クリスマス
Simply K-Pop ConTour Behind🎥 피.알.오 MC #제이콥 🐰 #케빈 🦊 멋지고 귀엽고 다하는 모습 볼 사람 모두 여기 여기 붙어라👍🎶 P.R.O MCs #Jacob 🐰 #Kevin 🦊 If you wanna see them being cool, cute, and everything you hope for, come watch it nowz!👍🎶 youtu.be/nzg9dJB_HTo
Dandy Boy #Jacob and Cutie Boy #Kevin be doing us a favor and introducing spring along with #SimplyKPop's lineup this week! Check it out below~~🌸 youtube.com/watch?v=N-LEsR…
#Jacob 🐰🍐 #Kevin 🦊 🌙 Whenever you brightly smile, tears of happiness just flow out ••• ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ Come cry with us over #MoonBae's cuteness on #SimplyCONTOUR at 1pm KST! #bringtissues YT: youtube.com/watch?v=ab2CSU… VLIVE: vlive.tv/video/261332
180909 #THEBOYZ #Kevin #케빈 넌 진짜... 최고야