Shuuka x Karen = ShuuKaRen Ready for us? #ShuuKaRen #Shuuka #Karen instagram.com/shuukaren/ Karen
ClariS新プライズリリース&会場限定イベント開催決定!!「スクエアクッション」&「BIGアクリルチャーム3」の登場!会場ガチャも登場!!#ClariS #ガチャ #Clara #Karen ameblo.jp/fancy-fukuya/e…
Unexploded ordnance sit in a building as #Myanmar military indiscriminately shells artillery into civilian areas in Dooplaya district #Karen State. 2 June, 400+ villagers fled upon hearing gunfire & shellings by military as they attack in total disregard for Humanitarian Law
Those 3,000 ppl who have fled the nighttime air strikes, the brutal & indiscriminate attacks by the #Myanmar military in #Karen State, without safety, will once again face the terror of the military 😰 #Myanmarcoup #WhatsHappeningInMaynmar twitter.com/OoWen20385299/…
Fighting between #Myanmar military & Karen National Liberation Army (Brigade 5) took place around 5 a.m Today. KNLA reportedly seized control of one of the military's camps in Mutraw district. “Thaw Lae Hta” is based opposite Thailand's Mae Sam Lap. ow.ly/BNvC50EymOg #Karen
Two #Myanmar military fighter jets drop 9 bombs & fired automatic weapons into villages in #Karen State, Mutraw where @SalweenP is located. @karenwomenorg reported 3,000 ppl from villages & Ei Tu Hta IDP camp crossing to Thailand, & that the recent attacks displaced 10,000+ ppl