211214 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said ‘beautiful’ has been released today, he hopes that this song will give everyone who worked hard some encouragement
211215 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong soul kun said when he was a trainee, he wrote a letter to himself 5 years later in his phone, next year will be the 5th year. he is looking forward to reading it, he said its most probably encouragement words. he will reveal if possible
211215 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong soul kun said pandas are too cute, so he bought a panda soft toy in his room since we cannot have pandas as pets
211215 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong soul kun said a member from wayv will sing ‘circle of life’ whenever they are in the nature like when they went to hike
211217 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said he really likes ‘beautiful’. he said the lyrics is dedicated to everyone who worked hard in 2021 as a comfort as it says ‘you are unique, believe in yourself’. kun said when filming the mv, there are many people +
211217 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said its hard being a rapper and you need to be clear and have to get the rhythm right. kun said rappers also sing really well like rappers in his group, he said yangyang is good at singing too
211218 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said its important to believe in yourself and persevere on to pursue your dreams
211220 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said youth’s stress is to make money too for the family he said he has 2 cats at home waiting although they are not his
211224 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul santa kun with gifts !
211226 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said he is thankful for how advanced technology it is right now so he can video call with others and his family instead of sending letters. he hasnt met his family for 3 years, although he cant go back he still calls them
211228 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said he wants to tell his wayzennis who like him, he wants to thank us for waiting and always supporting what he does, he hope he can be more successful next year and do better. he called us his babies and added the vomit sound
220102 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said he likes playing basketball when he was in school, he plays it everyday and he is part of the school basketball team when he was in primary school. he said he played basketball with chenle and mark but he won against them
220103 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said winwin has his own decision but says ‘anything’ he will find ways to express it, for example when they ask him what to eat he will say ‘anything’, when they give him suggestions he will reply with ‘anything’+
220105 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul op said they will drink iced milk tea when its summer and hot milk tea during winter, kun said ‘i am your milk tea’
220108 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said every relationship is destined so we have to cherish everyone around us
220108 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said by 29 years old, he hopes that he can be a perfect/very good singer and composer so be is working hard right now, also he hopes wayv can do well too
220110 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said the journey with chenle was very fun and he praised chenle for planning the whole trip so kun just followed him around, he said it was very fun and will share pictures soon
220111 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said when he was young he didnt envy people with siblings but now as he is older he envy others with siblings. however, he says he thinks even if its not biological he enjoys having a siblings like with chenle
220113 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said he uses perfume often and when his friends go to a place and it smells like him they will ask why there is a kun smell and he often gets told by friends that some places have kun’s smell
220113 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun’s recommended song is ‘starry night’ by onew and lee jin-ah as he sang it before with jungwoo for the trainee evaluation and he likes this song a lot
220115 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said what is in the past is already in the past, he said that what we have done although we might regret but this is the cause of a new self, he said it cant be changed anyway
220120 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul alexander said before the interview he was very nervous since wayv was popular and he was scared they wouldnt get along but when wayv came, he said they were really nice
220120 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul xander said kun gives a lot of warmth since he took out his jacket. kun said xander’s presence is the atmosphere for the room
220120 #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR akdong seoul kun said his fans joke that now his name isnt kun but kun ge, his surname is qian, name is kun ge
220127 viewable akdong seoul with kun and xiaojun ; translation thread (chn-eng) #KUN #钱锟 #쿤 #KUNONAIR