THE BOYZ JAPAN NEW FULL ALBUM 『Delicious』発売まであと7日🍭 あと1週間🥺 🧁IST-THEBOYZ.lnk.to/DeliciousPR #THEBOYZ #KEVIN #ドボイズ #ケビン
[📸] 230605 #KEVIN #케빈 Instagram update in my element 🤙 forever a child at heart 🫶 @ universal_studios_japan thank you! - kevin
[📸] 230602 #KEVIN #케빈 Instagram update yum yum - kevin
#新潟#Delicious 🍭のTiktok撮影📸 今回はカナダコンビの #ジェイコブ & #ケビン が挑戦🥰MVは見てくれましたか❓ 🎶 vt.tiktok.com/ZSLN6Rkt2/ #THEBOYZ #ドボイズ #더보이즈 #JACOB #KEVIN
#KEVIN was featured in a japanese TV program as a male celebrity who paints their nails 💅🩷 #더보이즈 #케빈
[💬] 230531 #KEVIN #케빈 weverse 🐝 don't you think it could be pass as "you're doing great sweetie" meme 🌙 My mean girls/7 rings talent show moment
[📸] 230528 THE B JAPAN Mobile Check-In #KEVIN #케빈
[🎥] 230526 ICKY Challenge with #JACOB #KEVIN #ERIC #SOMIN #BM 🔗 tiktok.com/t/ZTREWQ6Qg/
[💬] 230526 #KEVIN #케빈 weverse 🐝 kevin i told my sister about you cause she asked. and 🌙 Once you Kevin you can’t kevout
kevin’s custom mic unboxing! 🌙 i chose grey! i wanted a colour that would change depending on the lighting like a lenticular. the moon is actually grey, so kevin moon~ i also chose it because it’s the colour of the moon. #KEVIN #케빈
kevin’s incense stick: 🌙 it’s not too sweet, and it smells similar to the perfume i normally use. it smells like citrus and flowers, two of my favourite scents! #KEVIN #케빈
THE BOYZがELLEに登場🖤「KCON」出演前にファンに伝えたいメッセージをリレーゲームでお届け😘💘  #JUHAKNYEON #SANGYEON #ERIC #KEVIN #YOUNGHOON #HYUNJAE の6人が挑戦! ▼全編はこちら 🔗youtube.com/shorts/rmi9taI… @IST_THEBOYZ @THEBOYZJAPAN @kconjapan #THEBOYZ #더보이즈 #ドボイズtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
[💬] 230525 #KEVIN #케빈 weverse 🐝 u want it? you’ll get it i swear #kevin_rwt 🌙 I am bawling 🥹🥹🥹 the way it’s bringing people together is so endearing 🫶
230524 Eric Nam Instagram Story #KEVIN #JACOB congrats on ya concerttttttt where’s mini eric? 😳😂❤️
[📸] 230523 TEEN VOGUE #KEVIN #케빈
[📸] 230523 #KEVIN #케빈 Instagram update milking this free trial lol - kevin
[💬] 230523 #KEVIN #케빈 weverse 🐝 WE’RE GONNA MAKE IT HAPPEN SIR 🌙 Trend it for me I believe in u #KEVIN_RWT #ISTplz
[💬] 230523 #KEVIN #케빈 weverse 🐝 baby, did you see this?? 🌙 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ thanks to deobis 🫶
#BUDDiiS #Magic インタビュー+アフタートーク🎤公開記念! e.usen.com/interview/inte… #KEVIN #SEIYA #TAKUYA #HARUKI #SHOOT サイン入りチェキを1名様にプレゼント! ◆応募方法 @encore_inf をフォロー&この投稿をRT ◆締切:6/11(日) 23:59迄 ◆結果:当選者様にDM送付 #バディ
230521 the boyz dancer instagram story #KEVIN #케빈
[🎥] 230521 zeneration day 3 speech #KEVIN #케빈 today is my mom’s birthday! the concert started at 1am in vancouver, but since tomorrow’s a holiday, i hope they’re still watching. many people compliment kevin’s mindset, but i learned that from my mom.
230521 LOUDI Instagram Story #SANGYEON #JACOB #KEVIN #ERIC You guys worked hard~~ 🥰
230520 BM Instagram Story #JACOB #KEVIN #ERIC Brodies ripped it tn 🔥