D-DAY for DANITY!! Don’t miss his smile : ) Waves from MAGENTA music video will be pre released today in KAVECON kavecon.com #DANITY #DAN1TYST #KAVECON
[#DAN1TYST] Finally! Are you excited to meet Kang Daniel at #DAN1TYST Will be live streamed at 9 PM via #KAVECON kavecon.com Reservations are only available 10 minutes before the performance If you are not ready yet, hurry up~ #KANGDANIEL #FANMEETING
<Kang Daniel VOD release notice> We are deeply sorry to announce another delay in Kang Daniel’s VOD release. There was an issue with the English subtitles for the VOD despite our efforts. The VOD will be released as soon as subtitle issues are cleared. #KAVECON #KANGDANIEL
Kang Daniel's Danityst Fan Meeting VOD is up! Click on the link below to play now. kavecon.com/main.do *Video player download is needed to play the VOD. Install by clicking 'VOD' or follow the steps in our 'Playerinfo' guide. #강다니엘 #KANGDANIEL #Danity #KAVECON #VOD
KAVECON presents, KIM JAEHWAN's online fan concert <DOCKING> ready to dock with fans around the globe. D-19! Get it now at ↓↓↓ kavecon.com/main.do And get your chance to attend KIM JAEHWAN's video chat and receive a special gift! #김재환 #KIMJAEHWAN #DOCKING #KAVECON
<#DOCKING> #KIMJAEHWAN Ontact online concert LIVE 2020.09.26 9PM (KST) PRE-PURCHASE PACK out now at #KAVECON ! - LIVESTREAM + VOD - VIDEO CHAT + GIFTS EVENT - $29 USD (VAT included) - Purchase period: 2020.09.07 (Mon) 3pm~09.26 (Sat) #KAVECON #CONCERT #LIVE
<#DOCKING> #KIMJAEHWAN Ontact online concert LIVE 2020.09.26 9PM (KST) PRE-PURCHASE PACK out now at #KAVECON ! - LIVESTREAM + VOD - VIDEO CHAT + GIFTS EVENT - $29 USD (VAT included) - Purchase period: 2020.09.07 (Mon) 3pm~09.26 (Sat) #KAVECON #CONCERT #LIVE
<DOCKING NOTICE> D-8 Here is a greeting video from #KIMJAEHWAN. KIM JAEH WAN personally wanted a chance to show appreciation for his fans and for the long-anticipated online concert #DOCKING. Visit kavecon.com for more info. #KAVECON
<DOCKING GOODS EVENT> To celebrate the online concert <#DOCKING>, #KIMJAEHWAN prepared yet another a gift event for his fans. Tag @KAVECON and retweet to enter the draw! *Winners are selected randomly *send your VOD purchase history to kave.docking@gmail.com #KAVECON
2020 #KIMJAEHWAN Online fan concert <#DOCKING> D-3 Only three days left until DOCKING! Do not miss Kim Jae Hwan's online concert. 2020.09.26 Sat 9 PM KST Visit kavecon.com to purchase NOW! #KAVECON #김재환온라인콘서트 #김재환
KIM JAE HWAN 2020 Online Fan Concert <#DOCKING> Notice #KIMJAEHWAN's 'Special behind the scene video' Pre-purchase D-1! Only one day left! - 2020.09.07 MON ~ 09.26 SAT 9PM (KST) - $29 USD (Vat included) Visit kavecon.com for more info #KAVECON
KIM JAE HWAN <DOCKING> Docking T minus 40 minutes! Live is now open. The concert will start soon. Visit kavecon.com and press PLAY! #KIMJAEHWAN #DOCKING #KAVECON
Here's a photo from A.C.E D-6 'THE BUTTERFLY PHANTASY' LIVE 2020.10.11. SUN. 1PM (KST) - LIVESTREAM + VOD - $29 USD (VAT included) - Purchase date: 20.09.22 TUE 3PM~ 10.11 SAT 1PM KST #ACE #ACE_OnlineConcert #KAVECON
All A.C.E fans. D-3 Here is an invitation video from A.C.E! 😊 Only 3 days left until ACE Butterflyphantasy. Be sure to visit kavecon.com for purchase and more info. #KAVECON #ACE #A_C_E #butterflyphantasy #ace_online_concert #에이스 #choice
D-2 Notice! #SON_DONG_PYO 1st FAN MEETING #THE_BEGINNING 😘 This Sunday Live at #KAVECON - 2020. 11. 08. (Sun) 19:00 (KST) Purchases are available until ~ 2020. 11. 08 (Sun) 18:50 PM (KST) - International (USD): $29 (VAT Included) - Korea (KRW): ₩ 33,000 (VAT Included)
<#KAVECON> Happy #Tuesday everyone. We'll be posting more photos of #KIMJAEJOONG until December 5th. 😊 KIM JAE JOONG #THE_LAST_ONCERT this weekend. Visit kavecon.com! ジェジュン Online Concert "THE LAST ON-CERT" #THE_LAST_ON_CERT #ジェジュン #金在中 #김재중
<#KAVECON> It's the last month of the year and winter is finally here. 🥶 Here's another photo of #KIMJAEJOONG as promised.😆 Get your pre-purchase for #KIM_JAE_JOONG online concert #THE_LAST_ONCERT at kavecon.com! #ジェジュン #金在中 #김재중
#PARK_JI_HOON 2020 Online Concert: #MESSAGE LIVE 2020.12.13 SUN 7PM (KST) Pre-Purchase includes - LIVESTREAM + VOD - $36 USD (VAT included) - Purchase date: ~ 20.12.13 SUN 7 PM (KST) For more info please visit kavecon.com #KAVECON #ParkJihoon #박지훈
#THE_LAST_ONCERT D-1 everyone! Save the best for last.☺️ Need I say more. Here's another photo of #KIMJAEJOONG.😆😆😆 Go get your pre-purchase for #KIM_JAE_JOONG online concert #THE_LAST_ONCERT NOW at #KAVECON kavecon.com! #ジェジュン #金在中 #김재중
J for #J_JUN ! Kim Jae Joong sent us his best for his fans. Another one. 🥰 #THE_LAST_ONCERT D-1 ! Go get your pre-purchase for #KIM_JAE_JOONG online concert NOW at #KAVECON kavecon.com! #ジェジュン #金在中 #김재중 #KIMJAEJOONG