#HongKong's new Chief Executive #JohnLee's "sole experience of government was of locking up or beating up protesters, critics and political opponents", writes our CEO @benedictrogers in @Telegraph telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/05/3…
#HongKongers: here are some thoughts about #XiJinping and #JohnLee 🤣❤️
Ridiculous little man. The only "thieves" in #HongKong are those who stole the city's freedoms, democracy and autonomy, the "people who pretend" to govern - like you, #JohnLee, #CarrieLam and your mendacious #CCP quisling regime. twitter.com/hkfp/status/15…
#HongKongers - I have written this message, following the "selection" ("sham election") of #CCP quisling thug #JohnLee as #HongKong's new Chief Executive. Hope it makes you smile in these dark times. #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
#IPAC statement on the selection of new Hong Kong Chief Executive #JohnLee. Lee’s farce election is a further insult to the people of Hong Kong. IPAC calls for sanctions on Lee and all others who have denied the freedoms promised to Hong Kong under international law.
#JohnLee picked the voters John Lee had no opponent John Lee locked up and beat up critics John Lee wins 99% of his handpicked electors' votes Surprise, surprise 😲.... Not twitter.com/hkfp/status/15…