Not only is this blatant racism but also insensitive. Using a virus that k!lled and continues to k!ll millions out there is not comedic. Comparing asians to a deadly virus is not comedy. Say it as it is #JimmyKimmelRacist A subpar racist smug joke of a comedian Jimmy Kimmel
there’s something wrong with this man #JimmyKimmelRacist 😵‍💫
weird af how desperate kimmel is to make coronavirus cracks about bts because TWICE IN 2 WEEKS? 😭 bts just minding their own business and they get another white man in the USA going HMM HOW CAN I MAKE PEOPLE THINK OF COVID WHEN THEY HEAR “BTS”, it’s sick 😭 #JimmyKimmelRacist
why would you keep on comparing literal humans to a virus that took so MANY lives of people? Is racism comedy? this man literally has no shame, no humanity. #JimmyKimmelRacist #StopAsianHate #CallOutRacismHateSpeech @ABCNetwork @JimmyKimmelLive @jimmykimmel
【保存版: 参考情報などまとめツリー✍️】 Jimmy Kimmelの差別発言からみる #BTSとインターセクショナリティ #StopAsianHate #JimmyKimmelRacist…