🏆FanPlus🏆 ジミンちゃんが6,191,497,830票を獲得し Final Awards 2022を受賞しました👏👏👏 ジミンちゃんおめでとう✨️🎉 ⬇️タグ&キーワードを使ってお祝いしましょう🥰 CONGRATULATIONS JIMIN #JiminKingOfKings2022
Jimin reigns as the King of Kings as he amassed 6.191B votes in Final Award '22🔥 JM has been holding the title as the Best Idol for 2 years in a row & even set a new record as the Idol with the most votes received in FanPlus history! CONGRATULATIONS JIMIN! #JiminKingOfKings2022