jeff: oh i got two words… wait there’s nothing written on it *reading blank side* ohhh here here, “tears” (word on randomly picked word). *hums the word tears* why is everyone so quiet? you can laugh 😂
jeff: the mission is to randomly pick a word and make it into a song
staff: how confident r u in completing this mission?
jeff: i must say give me 15 words and ill be able to make them all into songs
staff: ok let’s actually do 15 words
jeff: wait, calm down
แต่ละเพลง แต่ละคำ เป็นการด้นสดที่ นี่มัน เจฟ ซาเตอร์ ชัดๆ
Each song, each word that sing after see the words is really show this is Jeff Satur
🔗 : youtu.be/o7yxhOdKoAg
#jeffsatur #JeffSaturXMintSnap