🌏 Ternoa is on its way to worldwide adoption, and is becoming more and more popular in #Japan! 🇯🇵 Thank you for your support, and who knows soon we will see the @Ternoa_ logo invading the mythical Shibuya Crossing… 🚀 Which country will be the next to massively ad#CAPSCAPS?
During an interview with @Sankei_news, I took the opportunity to share with our friends from #Japan #Taiwan’s strong willingness to join the #CPTPP. With our top-quality products & high export volume, #TaiwanCanHelp advance this potential-laden regional trade partnership.
安倍元首相 銃で撃たれ死亡 中国ネットコメント集(その三) #ShinzoAbe #Japan #安倍晋三 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻訳運動
Congratulations to Deng Yu-cheng, Tang Chih-chun & Wei Chun-heng for zeroing in on silver🥈 in the men's team archery. The medal is #Taiwan's🇹🇼 3rd at #Tokyo2020 & keeps the country's quest for #Olympics glory in #Japan🇯🇵 on target. (📸 via Wei Chun-heng Facebook)
I’ve just signed the UK-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with @moteging. 🇬🇧 🇯🇵 It shows what our country can achieve as an independent trading nation. Global Britain 🇬🇧 is just getting started. #Japan #FTA #tradedeal
いよいよ今日(7/27)は一年ぶり陳情令公式オンラインショップはアマゾンで開設しました!🎉 オンラインショップオープニングの第一周特定の商品が5%割引です!サービスコード“WFHARQIQ” 是非@japan Amazon にご覧ください! Store: reurl.cc/0o50po - #陳情令 #TheUntamed #Japan #Amazon
こちらの中国人達が安倍様の遺影をクラブに置いて、「天下の人がこぞって喜び祝う」、「大喜びをする」と喜んで呼ばれていた。 #ShinzoAbe #Japan #安倍晋三 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻訳運動 twitter.com/remonwangxt/st…
#北京五輪 #フィギュアスケート 練習に臨んだ #羽生結弦 (7日、北京で)=若杉和希撮影 #北京 #Olympic #Beijing2022 #Japan #オリンピック #フィギュア 北京五輪写真特集はこちら yomiuri.co.jp/olympic/2022/p…
【出版速報】 ちょっと大人の俳優ライフスタイルBOOK ACTOR★OVER No.2の次号3名様が遂に決定‼︎ ご出演者 #染谷俊之 #田村心 #長田光平 先行予約はこちら💁 shopping-pl.com/category/selec… ★1人30p 総ページ100p ★ポストカードAとBセット各3種 ★サイン入読プレ抽選付 #人気25舞台俳優 #Japan
Arrived at Embassy in Tokyo 🇯🇵 ahead of signing our first trade agreement as an independent trading nation. This British-shaped deal is tailored to our 🇬🇧 economy, with major wins that would be impossible as part of the EU. #Japan #FTA #tradedeal
Together with #Japan's PM Kishida Fumio @kishida230 we visited #Bucha which survived 🇷🇺 occupation last year.🇺🇦is grateful to government of 🇯🇵for helping us to overcome difficult winter& providing generators to our people. With such partners as Japan, we will rebuild our country.
「中国人の敵が死んだら、喜んでも良い。中国人の仲間が死んだら、その人の死を惜しむ。」 —— 連岳 (日本在住) #ShinzoAbe #Japan #安倍晋三 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻訳運動
268 キャンペーン
// 応募と同時に直接DMが届く その場で当たる \\ 水溶性・不溶性 #食物繊維 配合青汁粒を抽選で2名様にプレゼント amzn.asia/d/8oVQEwK 参加条件 ①@sheenyjpをフォロー ②このツイートをRT 4/29 16:00迄 #健康 #dietaryfiber #キャンペーン #Japan #健康管理 #美容
[VAV] #KCON 무대 뿌시러 갑니다✈ 내일 만나요, 안녕~~ We're going to #Japan to play KCON. See you tomorrow~👋 #VAV #브이에이브이 #KCON2019JAPAN #LETSKCON #케이콘 #THRILLA_KILLA #2019케이콘 #케이콘재팬
[VAV] こんにちは #VAMPZ👋 바브는 뱀즈 만날 준비 완료✔ 우리 같이 즐거운 시간 보내요! See you soon 💕 #VAV #브이에이브이 #VAMPZ #뱀즈 #Japan #일본 #VAVinJapan #VAV2019MeetnLive #Tokyo
Congratulations to Tai Tzu-ying on a superb silver🥈 in the women's singles badminton. The medal is #Taiwan's🇹🇼 10th at #Tokyo2020 & keeps the country's quest for #Olympics glory in #Japan🇯🇵 firmly on the front foot. twitter.com/Olympics/statu…
#能登半島 #ボーイスカウト の#ジャンボリー で何回か訪問しました。#Noto #Japan
THE FIVE FOX FESTIVAL IN JAPAN confirmed!! See you in summer 2017!! #BABYMETAL #Japan babymetal.com/news/detail.ph…
#Taiwan🇹🇼 Lantern Festival's drone show in #Kaohsiung is a celebration of creativity & hope for the future. It's also a chance to recognize #Japan🇯🇵, #Lithuania🇱🇹, #Slovakia🇸🇰, #Poland🇵🇱, #US🇺🇸 & #Czechia🇨🇿 for #COVID19 vaccine donations & choosing to #StandWithTaiwan. Thank you! twitter.com/KaohsiungCity/…