遊び心で入れてみたら、結構バズった... Included a recent famous vtuber scandal as a case study in my presentation at #JPAC just for fun, but it went pretty viral with almost two thousand likes and RTs... twitter.com/uryuhirano/sta…
#JPAC is closely coordinating with the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (#IPAC), which has 150 members across 17 parliaments. As a democratic country, we support a free, open, and rules-based international order that protects human dignity and free flow of ideas.
We had the pleasure of listening to the courageous Hongkongers in Japan speak at the #JPAC emergency assembly on the current situation in Hong Kong in front of Japanese Diet Members from various political parties. We feel your fear and anxiety. We stand with you @DawnofHongKong
HKSAR Government response to the launch of #IPAC Japan chapter #JPAC. Thank you to @Japan_pac for leading the way in supporting Hong Kong. info.gov.hk/gia/general/20…
@ipacglobal Thank you for your support! We’ll be tweeting in both Japanese and English, so please follow us for up-to-date developments on activities by the Japan Parliamentary Alliance on China (#JPAC)
#JPAC has submitted its statement to the Prime Minister’s Office following the JPAC emergency assembly. We have urged the Cabinet to announce that it will not abide by the requests made by Chinese or Hong Kong government based on the National Security Law.
#JPAC has also urged the Cabinet to ease various visa restrictions for Hongkongers who are currently in Japan as well as those who are abroad, including extension of visa-exemptions and relaxation of certain conditions for issuing working visa and student visas.
超党派の国会議員で構成するJPAC(対中政策に関する国会議員連盟)の所属議員は現時点で30名です。自由で開かれた法に基づく国際秩序の維持のために連帯していく仲間の輪が広がっています。 #JPAC currently consists of 30 Diet members from various political parties and growing in number!
JPACは「香港国家安全維持法に基づくジャーナリスト・民主運動家の逮捕に関する声明」を発表しました。 #JPAC statement on the arrest of Hong Kong journalists and activists under the National Security Law. drive.google.com/file/d/1dGBXYm…
JPAC(対中政策に関する国会議員連盟)は、本日、緊急声明会見を開催しました!ここで主張を曲げずに真実の声を届けていきましょう! The emergency meeting of #JPAC has just closed its session. We are standing with Hong Kong in its darkest hours.
#JPAC held an urgent meeting today on arrests in #HongKong twitter.com/nagashima21/st…
#IPAC satellite #JPAC led by @ShioriYamao and Rep Gen Nakatani getting much deserved recognition. #StandTogether twitter.com/Billbrowder/st…
News from Japan! #IPAC Co-Chairs @ShioriYamao and Gen Nakatani announce the satellite group #JPAC - looking forward to other regions of #IPAC following their lead. #StandTogether twitter.com/ShioriYamao/st…