#JPAC is closely coordinating with the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (#IPAC), which has 150 members across 17 parliaments. As a democratic country, we support a free, open, and rules-based international order that protects human dignity and free flow of ideas.
#JPAC 第6回総会にて「中国の全国⼈⺠代表⼤会における⾹港選挙制度の変更決議に関する声明」を決議いたしました。 ▼「中国の全国⼈⺠代表⼤会における⾹港選挙制度の変更決議に関する声明」PDF bit.ly/2NqLrIG
We had the pleasure of listening to the courageous Hongkongers in Japan speak at the #JPAC emergency assembly on the current situation in Hong Kong in front of Japanese Diet Members from various political parties. We feel your fear and anxiety. We stand with you @DawnofHongKong
#JPAC has also urged the Cabinet to ease various visa restrictions for Hongkongers who are currently in Japan as well as those who are abroad, including extension of visa-exemptions and relaxation of certain conditions for issuing working visa and student visas.
#JPAC statement on the Chinese government's undermining of Hong Kong's electoral system. The statement calls for the Japanese government to provide protection to Hong Kongers fleeing persecution and act to implement Magnitsky-style human rights sanctions. twitter.com/Japan_pac/stat…
@ipacglobal Thank you for your support! We’ll be tweeting in both Japanese and English, so please follow us for up-to-date developments on activities by the Japan Parliamentary Alliance on China (#JPAC)
本日「香港民主主義への抑圧に抗議し、日本版マグニツキー法の成立への検討を求める意見書」が、多摩市議会において全会一致で採択されました。超党派の支援に感謝! 香港自治体議員連盟Pomeloとしても弾みがつきます。次は@jpacに同法の成立頑張ってもらわにゃ! #マグニツキー法 #香港加油 #JPAC
Japanese parliamentarians from #JPAC join IPAC statement on reports of systemic torture and sexual abuse in Xinjiang prison camps. Full story: bbc.com/news/world-asi… twitter.com/Japan_pac/stat…
News from Japan! #IPAC Co-Chairs @ShioriYamao and Gen Nakatani announce the satellite group #JPAC - looking forward to other regions of #IPAC following their lead. #StandTogether twitter.com/ShioriYamao/st…
#JPAC held its third plenary to discuss the Japanese Magnitsky Act. The meeting featured a video message from @Billbrowder, presentation by #IPAC advisor @AkiraIgata, and briefing by the Lower House Legislative Bureau. JPAC has agreed to try and get the bill onto the Diet floor.
#JPAC calls for the Chinese government to change its behavior. We agree with #IPAC's statement on the arrest of Hong Kong pro-democrat politicians, activists and lawyers. As members of the parliament, we will strive to pass the Japanese Magnitsky Act during the next Diet session.
本日は世界女性デーです。 #JPAC の連携先である #IPAC 共同議長国の女性議員たちによるメッセージムービーが公開されました。#IWD2021 #StandwithUyghurs twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
私たちの動きを国会香港議連の@jpacが英訳して、世界発信してくれました。JPAC translated our action about Magnitsky Act. Thanks,We stand by Hong Kong. #JPAC #香港加油 twitter.com/Japan_pac/stat…