EXO were asked about who's the most thoughtful, kindest member and all of them choose Jongdae, except Jongdae himself who choose kyungsoo 🥺 our kim dajung 💛 #종대 #첸 #CHEN #JONGDAE
흡.... 우리 종대 진짜ㅠㅠㅠ 사랑한다!!!! 종대야!!!!!!!!!!!! ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ 180203 #김종대 #종대 #JONGDAE #첸 #CHEN #엑소 #EXO @weareoneEXO
[200121] HD | #CHEN at EXO PLANET #5: EXplOration [dot] in Seoul Cr. ListenToChen - dandelion 🌼 #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO @exoonearewe
Everyone please use the hashtags below, whenever you post something positives about Jongdae let's fill the tags and his name hashtags only with nice words 💙 #CHEN #첸 #김종대 #JONGDAE
180902 인천스카이페스티벌 술품이와 아려니 #김종대 #종대 #첸 #엑소 #JONGDAE #CHEN #EXO
솔직히 종대 얼굴이 다 하잖아여?!!! 옆모습도 너무 완벽하지! 잘 정돈된 눈썹과 풍성하고 긴 속눈썹 곧고 오똑한 코 완벽한 입꼬리! 총총 점까지!!!!!! 우리 종대가 최고야! 171113 #김종대 #종대 #JONGDAE #첸 #CHEN #엑소 #EXO
180413 뮤뱅출근길 미친!!! 내가 이런걸?!!! 존나!!!!! 밥먹으러왔다가 놀랬잖아!!!!! 종대야!!!!!!!!!!! #김종대 #종대 #첸 #엑소 #JONGDAE #CHEN #EXO
[#CHENTUBE] Hello Dandelions, have you streamed our Chen's Youtube videos today? 🔒🔒🔒 🔜 1M Flower (939K) ⚡youtu.be/LTW8ZLV1c_E Amaranth (785K) ⚡youtu.be/zHlDvTcu5us Gift (719K) ⚡youtu.be/Y9KIH9pKyY0 - 🐈 #CHEN #첸 #EXO #JONGDAE #종대 @weareoneEXO
[191220] #CHEN sing We Wish You A Merry Christmas during ment at EXplOration in Miyagi, Japan. Cr. Monamichen - Dae🦖 #JONGDAE #EXO   #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO
[190929] HD | #CHEN at EXO PLANET #5: EXplOration in Taipei cr. ListenToChen - dandelion 🌼 #첸 #CHEN #종대 #김종대 #JONGDAE @weareoneEXO
180611 나 이대로 죽어도 될 거 같아.... 사랑해!!!! 김종대!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #김종대 #종대 #첸 #엑소 #JONGDAE #EXO #CHEN
180731 KIX 찬열이 뒤에서 빼꼼ㅣwㅇ #김종대 #종대 #첸 #엑소 #JONGDAE #CHEN #EXO
181012 기업은행ㅡㅡ 고마워 많이 보고싶었어 다음주에 보자💕 #김종대 #종대 #첸 #엑소 #JONGDAE #CHEN #EXO
180603 타노스!!!!!! 종대 무적이다!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #김종대 #종대 #첸 #CHEN #JONGDAE #EXO #엑소
[Tipsy Live] #CHEN Beautiful goodbye with Im Hanbyul EXO-L, we miss Jongdae right? We have a chance to get new contents by streaming Tipsy Live! There are two more videos that await us if we reach 1M—1.3M views! 🔗 youtu.be/AWKG7-zU54o - 🌼 #JONGDAE #종대 #첸 @weareoneEXO
[200203] January Spotify statistics #CHEN Followers: 683.631 Monthly listeners: 1.094.374 (+38.924) Overall streaming: 110.481.532 (+6.933.380) -does not include songs with CBX or instrumentals- -Twentyone *Take with Cr #Spotichen #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 @weareoneEXO @exoonearewe
[200212] #CHEN ON SPOTIFY Monthly listeners count: 1,106,234 Have you followed CHEN and streamed his songs on Spotify today? Let’s fill our ears and hearts with his beautiful voice. 💛 🔗 open.spotify.com/artist/0UEP2XB… #JONGDAE #첸 #종대 #김종대 @weareoneEXO
180611 에궁.. 종대 눈 아팠어<w> 이렇게 내 심장은 또다시 아파온다... #김종대 #종대 #첸 #엑소 #JONGDAE #EXO #CHEN
[200430] YOUTUBE | Our #CHEN's YT channel has reached 1.44M dandelions! 👏 Are you one of them? If you haven't, please subscribe & show his videos lots of support 💛 🔗 youtube.com/channel/UC5vXj… #ByChen Playlist 🔗 youtube.com/playlist?list=… #첸 #종대 #김종대 #JONGDAE @weareoneEXO
180707 와씨 무슨일이야ㅠㅠㅠ 존나 좋아!!!! #김종대 #종대 #첸 #엑소 #JONGDAE #CHEN #EXO
[200121] Amoeba Culture Youtube Update with #CHEN 다이나믹 듀오 (Dynamicduo), 첸 (CHEN) - '혼자' Making Film 🔗 youtu.be/feqxvXKtV-0 - dandelion 🌼 #종대 #JONGDAE #첸 @weareoneEXO