Jimin's Trends Summary | #JIMINxDIOR Jimin took over Worldwide trends and across the world following his first appearance as a global ambassador for @Dior during Paris Fashion Week ✨ ▪5 Worldwide trends ▪233+ Trends Total ▪87+ Countries ▪23+ Keywords #DiorWinter23
W Korea Man posted a snippet of Jimin with Dior Homme's Artistic Director Kim Jones on Instagram! He must be absolutely thrilled with Jimin's selection as Dior Global Ambassador! #JIMINxDIOR #JiminAtDiorFashionShow
DIORのブランドディレクターである、Kim Jonesさんと、DIORグローバルアンバサダーのジミンちゃん💓 可愛い🥰 #DIOR #JIMINxDIOR #ジミンxDIOR #BTSJIMIN
W Korea editor ChaJkaW posted a very cute Instagram story with a copy of Jimin's W Korea cover! 😊 ChaJkaW also attended @Dior #DiorWinter23 yesterday. #JIMINxDIOR #JiminAtDiorFashionShow
park jimin and kim jones for dior #JIMINxDIOR #DiorWinter23
El fotógrafo de moda y cofundador de La Maison de la Maille WebStyleStory publicó sobre Jimin llegando a @Dior #DiorWinter23 en Instagram. "¡Nunca había visto tanta gente, ni siquiera para un desfile de Dior!". 🤯 #JIMINxDIOR
Fashion photographer and La Maison de la Maille cofounder WebStyleStory posted Jimin arriving at @Dior #DiorWinter23 on Instagram! In a comment they mentioned they were amazed by the size of the crowd! "I have never saw so many people even for a Dior show!" 🤯 #JIMINxDIOR
Dior's Instagram post on Jimin at @Dior #DiorWinter23 has surpassed 1 MILLION likes in just 13 hours. It's comfortably their most liked post from the show! 🔥 This is the the impact of #JIMINxDIOR! ✨
Jimin's post has surpassed more than 1M likes 🎉 Congratulations #JIMIN keep engaging and sharing 💛instagram.com/p/CnpQz0IIqxV/#JIMINxDIOR #JiminAtDiorFashionShow
"#JIMINxDIOR" has amassed 1 MILLION mentions in less than 24 hours 🔥 Fans can't get enough of Jimin's iconic appearance at #DiorWinter23 as the face of @Dior! #JiminAtDiorFashionShow
We are immensely proud of DIOR GLOBAL AMBASSADOR JIMIN, make sure to interact with his photo on IG & share it! Follow Dior for more future updates, leave good comments and use #JIMINxDIOR when making posts about Jimin and the luxury brand instagram.com/p/CnpQz0IIqxV/…
An article on David Beckham posting a picture with Jimin during #DiorWinter23 has been trending on Naver's Most Viewed articles for the past 4 hours amassing over 137K combined views so far 🔥 The article hasn't moved from #2 in 3 hours! naver.me/GSUL0Rs4 #JIMINxDIOR twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
230120 DIOR HD 오빠 레전드 잘생겼음..🤯😭 #지민 #JIMIN #방탄소년단 #BTS @BTS_twt #JIMINxDIOR
Sorry I didn't get some comments from Jimin ㅜㅜ I really tried my best but got pushed by a lot of people ㅜㅜ" #JIMINxDIOR #JiminAtDiorFashionShow FACE OF DIOR JIMIN
Jooyoung Lee - Arena Homme & Korea Editor in Chief shared about DIOR GLOBAL AMBASSADOR JIMIN at #DiorWinter2023 @Dior 💛 instagram.com/p/CnpNKGTMlHj/… 💛 instagram.com/p/CnpOGgHsQ7S/… FACE OF DIOR JIMIN #JIMINxDIOR #JiminAtDiorFashionShow #JIMIN @BTS_twt twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#DavidBeckham shares a pic with #BTS's #Jimin and son #Cruz at the #DiorWinter2023 fashion show in Paris!🌟🌟👑👑🗼🇫🇷💜❤️ #JIMINxDIOR #JiminAtDiorFashionShow FASHION ICON PARK JIMIN
#BTS' #Jimin looks so hawt in Dior!❤️‍🔥🌟👑💜 #JiminAtDiorFashionShow #JIMINxDIOR twitter.com/i_D/status/161…
French magazine Paris Match reported on #DiorWinter23, highlighting Jimin's enormous popularity "Beyond the prestigious personalities invited, a distinguished guest made the crowds move: Jimin from BTS [...] His arrival provoked a never seen euphoria of the crowd" #JIMINxDIOR
More videos of #JIMINxDIOR
ジミンちゃんの為に、DIORのショー会場に集まったアミたちのツイート翻訳をスレッドにしました🐥💜 “多くの人がジミンに会うために寒い中6時間以上待っていました。私たちがどれだけジミンを愛しているか、彼に伝わっていることを願います! ” #JIMINxDIOR #BTSArmy
Dior shared Jimin's photo at #DiorWinter23 on their official YouTube account! "JIMIN from BTS, our newly-appointedglobalambassador, ticked all the boxes of confident, contemporary elegance at this afternoon's #DiorWinter23" #JIMINxDIOR #JiminAtDiorFashionShow
スターのオーラを纏ったジミンさん🎬✨ かっこいい… #JIMINxDIOR #ジミンxDIOR #JiminAtDiorFashionShow
photographer betty bounthavy 인스타 스토리 #지민 #JIMIN #JIMINxDIOR