Track tournament - Def. Version 📻 Tell us who your winner is using the hashtag #DEFtournament ✨ and remember to stream while making your decision 😝 Soundcloud- soundcloud.com/user-805328789… Spotify- open.spotify.com/playlist/4zFSO… #DEF #제이비 #임재범 #JB #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
Def. track tournament - GOT7 Ver. Tell us what track is your winner among many GOT7, JJ PROJECT & JUS2 tracks using #DEFtournament ✨ and remember to stream while making your decision 💚 📻 Spotify - open.spotify.com/playlist/70y5y… #DEF #제이비 #임재범 #JB #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
#EveryDateWithJB is No.2 on Vlive Daily Chart! Have you watched it already 👀? Watch it here if you have not and watch it whenever you miss him! 😏 vlive.tv/video/185933 #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
The 20th is GOT7's comeback day, but did you know it will also be Rainy’s 2-year anniversary? Stream Rainy on Youtube: youtu.be/LuEVcRpekG8 Lyrics here: tinyurl.com/JBrainylyrics #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
#EveryDateWithJB has now been subbed by VLIVE!! EveryDATE GOT7 🌴JB🌴 vlive.tv/video/185933 #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
🎉 We’re now 1st with 916K views and 117M hearts! Did you enjoy your date with JB? 😏 Don’t forget it is already subbed by VLIVE so keep watching to your hearts content! 🌴💚 #EveryDateWithJB #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official twitter.com/defdaily_/stat…
[T] Since Jaebeomie introduced a few books to everyone, I want to introduce a book too! It’s an exhibition catalog of the Louvre Museum that I ordered, consisting of only the most popular works! From page 1 to 940106, it’s filled with our bbom’s pictures😍💖 #EveryDateWithJB #JB twitter.com/Vliveofficial/…
JB’s songs are all under the same Spotify artist page now! Make sure to follow 💚 open.spotify.com/artist/3IjHX8K… #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
MAPS Magazine vol.143 April issue featuring JB is the 5th best selling magazine on Ktown4u for 2020🎉 Remember you can still purchase the issue as it has been restocked! A- maps-studio.com/product/detail… B- maps-studio.com/product/detail… #JaebeomxMAPS #JB #제이비 #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official twitter.com/kchartsmaster/…
[TRANS] GOT7 DYE Album Spoiler CRAZY lyrics “Our night is getting longer I can’t see the end no no no As if this may be the last time, I won’t let go of your hand...” #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official twitter.com/GOT7Official/s…
JB’s schedule for April 2020 🗓 ➾ view ical calendar.google.com/calendar/embed… ➾ download ical calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/… ➾ additional schedules will be added on icalendar and under this tweet once confirmed #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
JB will be a special DJ on Idol Radio next weekend! 📻 25.04 Sat = GOT7 JB & Yugyeom 26.04 Sun = GOT7 JB & Youngjae Voice only -> on VLIVE at 9PM KST #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official twitter.com/idolradiokorea…
For anyone confused, the radio VLIVE will look like this! Look forward to hearing DJ JB 💚 #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official twitter.com/defdaily/statu…
Note* GOT7 as a group will be present as guests for that weekend while JB & Yugyeom/Youngjae will be the special DJs! Tune in for the broadcast through Idol Radio’s VLIVE channel Link: vlive.tv/channels/C6571B #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
Billboard Korea vol.2 featuring GOT7 Page introducing JB 🖤 cr: @artbytashbianca #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
#EveryDateWithJB VLIVE has surpassed 1 million views and 132M hearts 💕🌴 Link: vlive.tv/video/185933 #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
190316 The more love I give you.the more I have.both loves are infinite. #JB #JayB #제이비 #재범 #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON
[TRANS] GOT7 Monograph DYE EP1 Q. Point of the outfits? 🌴: old style feel? And the accessories are the point Q. Point of this jacket making? 🌴: Glitter make up, think we’re doing this for the first time? And long hair #제이비 #임재범 #GOT7_DYE #JB #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
[TRANS] GOT7 DYE Monograph EP1 Youngjae’s relay mission is to make Jaebeom say “a-ah” 🌙: ah right? 🌴: ah~ 🌙: a-ah~~ 🌴: a-ah~ ^^ mission success 😳😂 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
[SUB] GOT7 DYE Monograph EP1 Jaebeom receives his relay mission which is to make Jackson say “Seems like I’m the sexiest” and suspects that Youngjae’s mission involves him 👀 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
[TRANS] GOT7 Monograph DYE EP1 🌴: Today even though I, unfortunately, failed my mission. One’s dream success. (Nevertheless) I’m always running for the success that I dream of. Let’s cheer up! Keep it up/good luck! #JB #제이비 #임재범 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official