Today on #IntlForestDay 24 NGOs and 44 indigenous communities send an open letter telling the EU to unite behind the science, remove forest biomass from the Renewable Energy Directive and protect EU’s natural forests to keep the carbon in the forests. forestdefenders.eu/standing-up-fo…
Today is #IntlForestDay We’re loosing 10 million acres of forest every year, at a time when we need to maximise every possible carbon sink. In some places planting trees is a great solution but given our timeframe the most effective way is to protect and rewild existing forests.
今日3月21日は #国際森林デー クポ🌲 #ファイナルファンタジー に出てくる森といえば・・・ 「クエッ クエッ」 何やら鳴き声が聞こえるクポ、見に行ってみるクポ! ▶ sqex.to/w78vg #週刊FF #チョコボ #IntlForestDay
Amidst the uncertainty of the past months, we all need a bit of positivity. I paid a visit to Mr. Lai Bei-yuan, who has dedicated nearly 4 decades of his life to making #Taiwan’s mountains green once more. #IntlForestDay