Hey since things like #InternationalMensDay always get co-opted by some real toxic people; I just wanna say if the guy you're taking advice from hates everyone and everything, maybe find someone better to listen to.
Also don't forget to kiss your homies goodnight ❤️
Happy #InternationalMensDay!
Thank you to all men who:
✔️Support women and girls
✔️Share the care at home
✔️Advocate for gender equality.
人気スタンドアップコメディアンのトレバー・ノアは、女性の権利の保護ついて訴えるのと同時に、性犯罪事件の背景にあるトキシックマスキュリニティ(有害な男らしさ)の存在を、持ち前の鋭い感性で指摘する。 vogue.co.jp/celebrity/arti…
Happy #InternationalMensDay to all the male allies around the world who support women, fight gender-based violence and stand against rape culture! #OrangeTheWorld