Knowing about asexuality would've helped a lot when I was younger. I often felt like something was wrong with me and the knowledge that it's just the way some people are would've made it a lot easier #InternationalAsexualityDay twitter.com/imaqueenirule/…
4月6日は「国際アセクシュアルの日(International Asexuality Day)」です。性的搾取、性的消費、性的虐待、性的加害、被害者へのバッシング、そして性愛至上主義…「性」にまつわるあらゆる社会に蔓延る歪んだ認知や言動に強く反対します #アセクシュアル #アセクシャル #InternationalAsexualityDay
It's #InternationalAsexualityDay! 🖤🤍💜 I identify myself as demisexual, one of many ways to experience asexuality! It's a great day to read and be informed about the ace spectrum!
#InternationalAsexualityDay 🖤🤍💜🖤🤍💜