Our Legislative Yuan approved funding to purchase 66 F-16V fighters in a multi-partisan effort that reflects our collective will to defend our liberty & sovereignty. As Commander-in-Chief, I am committed to keeping #Taiwan’s skies safe & promoting a free & open #IndoPacific.
As #IndoPacific island nations, #Taiwan and #Tuvalu share many common concerns. I was pleased to meet Minister Kofe & his delegation to discuss our many cooperative projects that address issues like climate change, economic development, healthcare, & renewable energy.
I had very productive talks today with experts from the @AEI on regional democracy and #IndoPacific strategy. #Taiwan is determined to contribute to regional stability & will continue to work with like-minded countries to safeguard liberty.
Delighted to meet with @CSIS friends today to discuss #US-#Taiwan cooperation & regional dynamics. We will continue to work with the community of like-minded countries to ensure peace & stability in the #IndoPacific region.
It was a pleasure to speak with you, @SenCoryGardner, & as always I am grateful for your friendship & the support of the #US Congress. #Taiwan will continue to be a staunch partner in advocating for democratic values as we work together to realize a free & open #IndoPacific. twitter.com/SenCoryGardner…
It was heartwarming to welcome our old friend @Project2049 Chair Randy Schriver back to #Taiwan & thank him for his staunch support. He has long been instrumental in promoting Taiwan-#US security & defense cooperation, & helping us consolidate our status in the #IndoPacific.
#Taiwan is a beacon of freedom, democracy & rule of law. We thank the #US for highlighting this fact in @StateDept's latest #HumanRights report. The government will keep strengthening such values in Taiwan & with other like-minded countries in the #IndoPacific & around the world. twitter.com/StateDept/stat…
Thank you for the recognition & warm message, @AusOfficeTPE Rep. Cowan. Ensuring access to materials essential for producing key items used in combating #Coronavirus is a win-win. #Taiwan will keep cooperating closely with #Australia for the benefit of the people & #IndoPacific. twitter.com/AusOfficeTPE/s…
True friends & partners in prosperity never need say thank you, @nuludong. #Taiwan & #Palau share close Austronesian ties & are rock-solid #IndoPacific partners. We'll keep supporting @TommyRemengesau & the government & people in combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/nuludong/statu…
#Taiwan is always willing & able to help a true friend like #Palau. Happy to see the testing facility is finished, & the country's #IndoPacific ally led by good friend @TommyRemengesau is ready to do even more to combat #Coronavirus. Together, we can realize @WHO's #HealthForAll. twitter.com/nuludong/statu…
Thank you @SecPompeo for recognizing the effectiveness of #Taiwan's efforts in managing #Coronavirus. As a like-minded #US partner & force for good in the world, the country will continue promoting freedom, democracy & human rights throughout the #IndoPacific & beyond. twitter.com/SecPompeo/stat…
Minister Wu, AIT Director Christensen & JTEA Rep. Izumi celebrated the #Taiwan-#US-#Japan #GCTF's 5th anniversary with friends from like-minded #IndoPacific partners. We look forward to sharing more of the country's experiences with other democracies via the cooperation platform.
Thank you @Republic_Nauru President Aingimea for acknowledging #Taiwan's contributions to #Nauru's #Coronavirus-combating campaign. The country stands with its #IndoPacific ally in strengthening the global response to #COVID19 & safeguarding the health & well-being of the people. twitter.com/Republic_Nauru…
Our sincere appreciation to @SecPompeo @EsperDoD @MarisePayne & @lindareynoldswa for strongly supporting Taiwan & recognizing its important role in the #IndoPacific at #AUSMIN2020. #Taiwan is proud to work with like-minded partners the #US & #Australia. ➡️bit.ly/30ayxSJ twitter.com/SecPompeo/stat…
I sincerely appreciate the vote of confidence from the #US & #Australia in their joint statement from #AUSMIN2020, voicing strong support for #Taiwan’s important role in the #IndoPacific & our meaningful participation in international organizations. state.gov/joint-statemen…
I'm honored to meet with @SecAzar during his historic visit. As like-minded partners in a free & open #IndoPacific, we had a great deal to share on health & other key issues. JW ➡️bit.ly/3gHuhjg twitter.com/SecAzar/status…
Excellent optics for the meeting between @bikhim of @TECRO_USA & @AsstSecPM of @StateDeptPM. #Taiwan is committed to working even closer with like-minded partner the #US in advancing a shared vision for a free & open #IndoPacific. twitter.com/AsstSecPM/stat…
More strong support for #Taiwan from @WHAAsstSecty: Thank you! We're proud to partner with the #US & other freedom- & democracy-loving countries in promoting peace, stability, prosperity & rules-based order across the #IndoPacific & around the world. twitter.com/WHAAsstSecty/s…
マイク・ポンペイオ米国務長官を出迎える, 第五空軍副司令官コシンスキー准将と横田基地司令官アンドリュー・キャンベル大佐です。 国務長官は「東京に戻れて素晴らしい」とツイートしてます。 #IndoPacific #YokotaAB twitter.com/SecPompeo/stat…
The #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸-#Japan🇯🇵 #GCTF on #IPR protection is underway. Deputy Minister Tien, AIT Director Christensen, JTEA Deputy Rep. Akira & MOJ DM Tsai opened the 2-day virtual event. Good luck to the 180+ attending academics, experts & officials from 19 #IndoPacific countries!
We congratulate @nzlabour led by PM Ardern on victory in the #NewZealand🇳🇿 election. #Taiwan🇹🇼 looks forward to working with the #NewSouthboundPolicy target country in strengthening two-way ties while promoting #IndoPacific peace, stability & prosperity. edition.cnn.com/2020/10/17/asi…
We welcome @StateDept's approval of a US$1.81 billion arms sale to #Taiwan🇹🇼. The determination shows the #US🇺🇸 government's commitment to the #TaiwanRelationsAct & #SixAssurances. It also enables the country to maintain a robust self-defense, & #IndoPacific peace & stability.
Powerful partnerships! #Taiwan🇹🇼 is set to host offices for @IRIglobal & @NDI. The #US🇺🇸-headquartered organizations will use the country as a base to #DefendDemocracy & promote good governance across the #IndoPacific. Learn more🔽 bit.ly/IRI_Taiwan bit.ly/NDI_Taiwan
インド太平洋地域やその他地域における日米のインフラ協力や投資について、国際協力銀行の前田総裁と意見交換ができ大変うれしく思います。 A true pleasure to discuss U.S.-Japan infrastructure cooperation and investment in the #IndoPacific and beyond with JBIC Governor Tadashi Maeda.
We welcome the US$280M arms sale to #Taiwan🇹🇼. The determination shows #US🇺🇸 commitment to the #TaiwanRelationsAct & #SixAssurances. It also enables the country to maintain a robust defense in the face of #China's military provocations, as well as #IndoPacific peace & stability. twitter.com/StateDeptPM/st…