True friends & partners in prosperity never need say thank you, @nuludong. #Taiwan & #Palau share close Austronesian ties & are rock-solid #IndoPacific partners. We'll keep supporting @TommyRemengesau & the government & people in combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll.…
Thank you for the recognition & warm message, @AusOfficeTPE Rep. Cowan. Ensuring access to materials essential for producing key items used in combating #Coronavirus is a win-win. #Taiwan will keep cooperating closely with #Australia for the benefit of the people & #IndoPacific.…
#Taiwan is a beacon of freedom, democracy & rule of law. We thank the #US for highlighting this fact in @StateDept's latest #HumanRights report. The government will keep strengthening such values in Taiwan & with other like-minded countries in the #IndoPacific & around the world.…
It was heartwarming to welcome our old friend @Project2049 Chair Randy Schriver back to #Taiwan & thank him for his staunch support. He has long been instrumental in promoting Taiwan-#US security & defense cooperation, & helping us consolidate our status in the #IndoPacific.
It was a pleasure to speak with you, @SenCoryGardner, & as always I am grateful for your friendship & the support of the #US Congress. #Taiwan will continue to be a staunch partner in advocating for democratic values as we work together to realize a free & open #IndoPacific.…
Delighted to meet with @CSIS friends today to discuss #US-#Taiwan cooperation & regional dynamics. We will continue to work with the community of like-minded countries to ensure peace & stability in the #IndoPacific region.
I had very productive talks today with experts from the @AEI on regional democracy and #IndoPacific strategy. #Taiwan is determined to contribute to regional stability & will continue to work with like-minded countries to safeguard liberty.
As #IndoPacific island nations, #Taiwan and #Tuvalu share many common concerns. I was pleased to meet Minister Kofe & his delegation to discuss our many cooperative projects that address issues like climate change, economic development, healthcare, & renewable energy.
Our Legislative Yuan approved funding to purchase 66 F-16V fighters in a multi-partisan effort that reflects our collective will to defend our liberty & sovereignty. As Commander-in-Chief, I am committed to keeping #Taiwan’s skies safe & promoting a free & open #IndoPacific.
#Taiwan will always serve as a beacon of democracy, lighting a better path for those who seek freedom. I thank @VP for his strong support for our democratic achievements, & we will continue working to realize our shared vision of a free, open #IndoPacific.…
As disinformation tactics continue to evolve, international cooperation is crucial. Delighted to meet #US @StateDRL Deputy Assistant Secretary Busby in #Taiwan for the #GCTF international workshop on media literacy & first-ever #IndoPacific Democratic Governance Consultations.
Transnational drug crime requires transnational solutions, & those solutions took center stage at the 2019 International Forum on Police Cooperation. #Taiwan is working with many #IndoPacific countries to fight drug trafficking, & together we’re creating a safer, healthier world.
As regional partners, #Taiwan & #Australia have a vested interest in #IndoPacific security, so I was pleased to meet with @cpyne. During his tenure, he contributed much to our shared goals & values, & we will surely benefit from his insights into regional security issues.
#Taiwan is a leader in #WomensEmpowerment in the #IndoPacific, and I was delighted to share our experiences with advocates from 20 countries at the #PPSEAWA international conference. We discussed ways to ensure that our societies age with dignity, and the role women will play.
Achieving regional peace & stability requires collective efforts. #Taiwan is dedicated to ensuring a free & open #IndoPacific region, just like the experts & scholars who attended the #FormosaForum this week.
In a democratic society, candid & open discussions help us find solutions to our shared challenges. The meeting with @BrookingsInst delegation offered us a chance to review our shared pursuit of a rules-based #IndoPacific order, & assert #TaiwanMatters.
There was never a dull moment meeting with Amb. Armitage & the @Project2049 delegation. Thank you for introducing us another group of bright minds. I trust they will play a big role in ensuring that our shared values will continue to shape the future of the #IndoPacific region.
At the Taiwan Council for U.S. Affairs (formerly CCNAA) renaming ceremony, we witnessed another milestone in our #Taiwan-#US friendship. We will continue to live up to the democratic values that define this precious partnership, & a force for good in the #IndoPacific region.
As #MarshallIslands Health Minister Kalani Kaneko rightfully said, we should not compromise when it comes to achieving #HealthForAll. #Taiwan serves as a transportation hub in the #IndoPacific region, our inclusion in the @WHO matters.
The #Taiwan-#US partnership is a force for good in the #IndoPacific. I had a productive meeting with @TommyHicksGOP & his delegation about expanding our joint efforts & ensuring that our region remains free, open, & prosperous.
Glad to discuss #Taiwan’s worth to the #IndoPacific with @EdFeulner, @KayColesJames, @SenCoryGardner & @RepTedYoho at the @Heritage event. We're willing & able to play a bigger role in fostering regional stability, prosperity, & respect for rules-based order. #OceansOfDemocracy
I was honoured to be invited by @President_Heine to address the Pacific Women Leaders Coalition Conference. #Taiwan is ready, willing, & able to play a greater & long-term role in promoting gender equality in the #IndoPacific. #OceansOfDemocracy
I thank President Waqa for his generosity & hospitality. At a time when our region requires all stakeholders to cooperate, #Nauru & #Taiwan will work tirelessly together to ensure a free, open, & prosperous #IndoPacific. #OceansOfDemocracy
History belongs to those who stand firm & honour their commitments. Such an honour to address the Parliament of #Nauru on behalf of #Taiwan’s 23 million people, reaffirming our commitment to building a sustainable future with our families in the #IndoPacific. #OceansOfDemocracy
This is the #US ambassador to #Palau, Amy Hyatt. She came to my banquet as guest of honour. It was wonderful to share #Taiwan’s hard work on ensuring a free & open #IndoPacific. #OceansOfDemocracy