In the SOOP BTS ver. MERCHANDISE 01. and more 2020.09.09.11AM(KST) @weverseshop #BTS #방탄소년단 #In_the_SOOP #In_the_SOOP_Merch
In the SOOP BTS ver. MERCHANDISE 02. and more 2020.09.09.11AM(KST) @weverseshop #BTS #방탄소년단 #In_the_SOOP #In_the_SOOP_Merch
In the SOOP BTS ver. MERCHANDISE 03. and more 2020.09.09.11AM(KST) @weverseshop #BTS #방탄소년단 #In_the_SOOP #In_the_SOOP_Merch
チョンホソクの口からついに「彼氏風写真生成は僕の専門だね」とリアコ製造機であることを認める発言頂きました、逮捕です #おいでよリアコの森 #In_the_SOOP
After the 2nd day🏕 filled with happiness and togetherness of the members, the 3rd day of #In_the_SOOP breaks with warm sunlight🌞 How will #BTS spend their 3rd day here? Watch EP. 4👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/fe6bd41f #In_the_SOOP
After the 2nd day🏕 filled with happiness and togetherness of the members, the 3rd day of #In_the_SOOP breaks with warm sunlight🌞 How will #BTS spend their 3rd day here? Watch EP. 4👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/fe6bd41f #In_the_SOOP
멤버들과 함께여서 더욱 행복했던 두 번째 밤🏕을 보내고, 따사로운 햇살과 함께 찾아온 #인더숲 의 세 번째 아침🌞 #방탄소년단 은 이 곳에서 또 어떤 시간을 보내게 될까요? EP.4 보러 가기👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/fe6bd41f #In_the_SOOP
メンバーと一緒でさらに幸せだった2日目の夜🏕が過ぎ、 暖かい日差しと共にやってきた #In_the_SOOP の3日目の朝🌞 #BTS はここでどんな時間を過ごすのでしょうか? EP.4はこちら👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/fe6bd41f
[In the SOOP BTS ver.] Official Clip - Ep.5 (youtu.be/zNVt4I7aKn8) 📣매주 목요일 오전 0시(KST), 위버스 공개 📣12 AM Every Thursday(KST) on Weverse 📣毎週木曜日、午前0時(KST)、Weverse公開 #BTS #방탄소년단 #In_the_SOOP
#위버스 에서 #In_the_SOOP VOD 상품을 구매하시면, 80분 확장판, 비하인드 영상과 함께, In the SOOP 엠블럼을 드립니다. 🎁지급 대상 : 8/4 ~ 10/13(KST) 구매자 📆지급 일자 : 10/20(화) 18:00 이후 💡위버스샵 > My NX 에서 확인 가능 구매하기👉 weverseshop.onelink.me/BZSY/9f58dafb
Buy #In_the_SOOP VOD on #Weverse to receive In the SOOP Emblem with the 80-minute episodes and behind-the-scenes. 🎁For users who buy the VOD from 4 Aug to 13 Oct (KST) 📆Emblem given after 20 Oct, 6 PM (KST) 💡Go to 'My NX' to see the emblem Buy now👉 weverseshop.onelink.me/BZSY/9f58dafb
#Weverse にて #In_the_SOOP VODをご購入いただくと、 80分の拡張版やビハインド映像に加え、In the SOOPエンブレムをプレゼント! 🎁配布対象:8月4日から10月13日までの購入者様 📆配布日程:10月20日(火) 午後6時以降 💡Weverse Shop > My NX で確認可能 ご購入はこちら👉 weverseshop.onelink.me/BZSY/9f58dafb
すぐにコマーシャル一本を完成させる #BTS のチームワーク🙏を、 只今配信されました #In_the_SOOP Behind EP.4でご覧いただけます。 ここでしか見ることのできない、特別なBTSをお見逃しなく! [Behind] EP.4 しばらくは、さようなら 👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/8f9bec4e
즉흥으로 CF 한 편이 뚝딱 완성되는 #방탄소년단 의 팀워크🙏 방금 공개된 #In_the_SOOP 비하인드 EP.4에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 어디서도 볼 수 없는 특별한 방탄소년단의 모습을 놓치지 마세요! EP.4 잠시만 안녕 비하인드 👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/8f9bec4e
Improvising a TV commercial out of nowhere, it's just #BTS's teamwork.🙏 Watch the members having fun on #In_the_SOOP Behind EP. 4, and don't miss out on the scenes you cannot watch anywhere else! EP. 4 Goodbye For Now Behind 👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/8f9bec4e
#BTS returns to #In_the_SOOP🌳 with bunch of things for their stay! What will await for the members in this place that feels just like home? 80-minute EP. 5 begins now on #Weverse! Watch EP. 5👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/56b3019e #In_the_SOOP
#BTS returns to #In_the_SOOP🌳 with bunch of things for their stay! What will await for the members in this place that feels just like home? 80-minute EP. 5 begins now on #Weverse! Watch EP. 5👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/56b3019e #In_the_SOOP
お荷物をいっぱい積んで #In_the_SOOP に着いた #BTS 🌳 さらに心地よく過ごせるようになったここで、メンバーにできる思い出とは? テレビより20分長いEP.5を、 #Weverse にてお見逃しなく! EP.5 はこちら👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/56b3019e
한가득 짐을 싣고 다시 오게 된 #인더숲 🌳 한결 편해진 이곳에서 #방탄소년단 멤버들은 또 어떤 추억을 쌓게 될까요? 방송보다 20분 더 길게 볼 수 있는 EP.5가 지금 #위버스 에서 시작합니다! EP.5 보러 가기👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/56b3019e #In_the_SOOP
[In the SOOP BTS ver.] Official Clip - Ep.6 (youtu.be/F14vk9qPRM0) 📣매주 목요일 오전 0시(KST), 위버스 공개 📣12 AM Every Thursday(KST) on Weverse 📣毎週木曜日、午前0時(KST)、Weverse公開 #BTS #방탄소년단 #In_the_SOOP
Just can't get enough of #In_the_SOOP BTS ver.🌳! Catch up on BTS in the forest so far with a video! Highlight Clip EP. 1 ~ 4👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/83638639 If you missed an episode, watch it on #Weverse!! Buy the VOD for 8 episodes & behind-the-scenes👉weverseshop.onelink.me/BZSY/184f728f
何度見ても面白い #In_the_SOOP BTS ver. 🌳を、一本の映像でおさらいする! Highlight Clip EP.1~4👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/83638639 もしご覧になっていないエピソードがある場合は、 #Weverse にてどうぞ! (VODを購入すると、全8話の本編のみならずビハインド映像も利用可能) 👉weverseshop.onelink.me/BZSY/184f728f
#In_the_SOOP に現れたPR妖精🧚🏻‍は? In the SOOP BTS ver.のティーザー映像のビハインドが、Weverseにて配信されました。 些細なことからも笑いが止まらなかった、 #BTS の癒しのひと時をお届け! [Behind] EP.5 再び森へ 👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/5350896a
#인더숲 에 나타난 홍보 요정🧚🏻‍은 누구? #In_the_SOOP BTS편 티저 영상의 비하인드가 지금 위버스에서 공개되었습니다. 작은 것 하나에도 웃음꽃이 끊이지 않던 #방탄소년단 의 모습을 함께 만나보세요. EP.5 다시 떠나는 숲 비하인드 👉weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/5350896a