حامد اسماعیلیون چند ساعت دیرتر توییتش علیه سپاه رو گذاشت و اون دسته که هر دفعه دارن ازش عبور میکنن، ازش عبور کردن. و الان با این توییتش باید برگردن و در کمین فرصت بعدی بشینن تا دوباره ازش عبور کنن. #IRGCterrorists #مهسا_امینی
In Iran, if you come out as a member of the LGBTQ family, you will be executed. A couple, Mokhtar & Ali (more known as Aban & Khorshid) were executed in 2005 because they were in a relationship. #IRGCterrorists #MahsaAmini
Please read this: This lifeless body who seems to be sleeping, belongs to a Kulbar. He froze to death due to the cold while doing his job, Islamic Republic is the one who killed him. 1/3 #IRGCterrorists #IranRevolution
Kermanshah on 20 September, 2022 The #IRGCterrorists forces directly firing with guns to the people. THIS IS WHY IRGC IS TERRORIST #MahsaAmini
In Rudsar, the #IRGCterrorists directly firing with guns to the people. THIS IS WHY IRGC IS TERRORIST #MahsaAmini
روی دیوار سفارت انگلیس نوشتن "بیا قزوین" :| بعد ما میگیم این جوکای قومیتی یه سرش به حکومت وصله بگید نه. #IRGCterrorists #مهسا_امینی
یه روز یه ترکه، با یه لره، و یه رشتیه و یه قزوینیه و یه کرده و یه بلوچه و یه فارسه و یه عربه با هم متحد میشن و ضحاک رو میکشن زیر خاک. #IRGCterrorists #مهسا_امینی
This is #ShahinSamadpour who was arrested by #IRGCterrorists after he had published a report about how #HananehKia was murdered by IRGC. Be his voice. There’s no news about him.
#MehranSamak ,27, who was shot in the head in his car by #IRGCterrorists , while celebrating the IR team's elimination from the World cup in Anzali,north of Iran. IRGC killed him on 29 November. #MahsaAmini Isn’t it a clear evidence that shows IRGC is a terrorist organization??
She’s #KatayounRiahi, an Iranian actress, bravely took off her scarf, criticized the killing of #MahsaAmini on Sep 18. Later she was kidnapped by #IRGCterrorists ,we have no news about her and her condition We’re deeply worried about her.
Her name is #HananehKia 23, who was killed by #IRGCterrorists while she was going to doctor. IRGC shot her even though she wasn’t doing anything (not even protesting) Another example of why IRGC is a terrorist organization #MahsaAmini
His name is #BehnamLayeghpour a 37 y/o tattoo artist in Rasht Iran. On Sep 21, he participated in a protest in response to the killing of #MahsaAmini He was killed in front of his girlfriend by #IRGCterrorists . This is a clear evidence that IRGC is a terrorist organization.
Abdollah Mohamad pour was only 16 when he was killed by #IRGCterrorists during the uprising #IranRevolution . IRGC should be put on terrorist list ASAP.They’ve hold a country and it's people as hostage. They brutally kill and torture people. #MahsaAmini
On Sep 18, #KatayounRiahi, a prominent Iranian actress, bravely took off her scarf, criticized the killing of #MahsaAmini, & called Iran “a big prison.” She was then arrested and was tried in court on Jan 11. Be her voice. #IRGCterrorists
تجمع مردم مقابل فرمانداری تربت جام دوشنبه ۲۶ دی #مهسا_امینی #IRGCterrorists
#MahsaMogoyi ,18, killed by #IRGCterrorists in Foladshahr,Isfahan during the uprising #IranRevolution . How many more lives have to be taken before you admit IRGC is a terrorist organization??
حرکت ۱۰ اتوبوس از مبدا فرانکفورت به مقصد استراسبورگ برای گردهمایی بزرگ امروز #مهسا_امینی #IRGCterrorists
۲۶ دی کارکنان پتروشیمی بوشهر (سایت یک) اعتصاب کردند. #اعتصابات_سراسری #IRGCterrorists #مهسا_امینی
This is Zakariya Khiyal, a 16 year-old boy who was shot directly by #IRGCterrorists in Piranshahr on September 20. #MahsaAmini How many more lives have to be taken before you admit IRGC is a terrorist organization?
تا میتونی این هشتگ بزن #IRGCterrorists
برای زن زندگی آزادی #مهسا_امینی #IRGCterrorists #IranRevolution
جمعیت ایرانیای تو خیابون از جمعیت استراسبورگیا بیشتره. #IRGCterrorists #مهسا_امینی
فرق هست بین افرادی که به اپوزیسیون نقد دارن، و اونهایی که همیشه مثل گرگ نشستن و منتظر فرصتن تا تخریب کنن. #مهسا_امینی #IRGCterrorists
Khamenei's mercenaries threaten people by creating fear and terror with insulting words such as: “Make a revolution motherf*ckers.” and and aerial fire. This is the true behavior of these criminals with the people of Iran. #IRGCterrorists #MahsaAmini
#PanizKarami blogger,who supported this way of freedom from the beginning;was arrested a few days ago and released on bail bond until the day of the court.The smallest omission shouldn't be done until the court day Paniz needs us like the others who were arrested #IRGCterrorists