#IPAC 🇧🇪 co-chair @SamuelCogolati MP leads a resolution calling on the Belgian Parliament to recognise Chinese state persecution of Uyghurs as a Genocide. rtl.be/info/monde/int…
#IPAC member @DavidAltonHL speaks to BBC News on receiving sanctions from the Chinese government for speaking out on abuses against Uyghurs. "It is, for me, a sadness more than anything else. I love Chinese people, I love China." Watch in full: youtube.com/watch?v=uhorvv…
"A national emergency doesn’t justify exposing UK consumers to slavery." #IPAC Coordinator @lukedepulford comments on UK government purchase of PPE linked to Xinjiang Uyghur forced labour supply chains. telegraph.co.uk/business/2021/…
71st anniversary of the People’s Republic of China marked by mobilisations denouncing oppression. Featuring comment from #IPAC 🇫🇷 co-chair @AndreGattolin pledgetimes.com/71st-anniversa…
Fantastic news: Australia SUSPENDS extradition treaty with #HongKong and launches a visa scheme to assist HK people who wish to leave. #StandTogether #IPAC smh.com.au/world/asia/aus…
#IPAC statement on the 22nd anniversary of the persecution of the Falun Gong. We take this solemn anniversary to remember all ethnic and religious minorities persecuted by the Chinese government.
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member Lord @DavidAltonHL proposes amendment to the Trade Bill which would revoke trade deals with states perpetrating genocide. "For 70 years we have failed to recognise our wholly inadequate response [to genocide]. Tonight we have a chance to put that right."
Congratulations to #IPAC 🇨🇦 co-chair Hon. @IrwinCotler, appointed Canada's first Special Envoy on Holocaust remembrance and the fight against antisemitism. Cotler has consistently warned world leaders against ignoring reports of suspected genocide against Uyghurs in Xinjiang. twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/…
Uyghur activists hope for genocide ruling as tribunal takes up China's actions in Xinjiang | Taiwan News Featuring comment from #IPAC advisor @MahmutRahima. taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4008455
#IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair Baroness Helena Kennedy urges the UK government to join the US in sanctioning Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam. Baroness Kennedy called for closer coordination on 'Magnitsky' human rights sanctions between the UK, US, Canada and European Union.
#IPAC adviser on #Uyghurs @MahmutRahima explains her frustration at the lack of international action over suspected genocidal atrocities in the her homeland. independent.co.uk/voices/trump-c…
Today at 1700 CET the Bundestag Human Rights Committee will hear evidence of Genocide against Uyghurs. Questions will be led by #IPAC 🇩🇪 members @GydeJ and @MargareteBause, with #IPAC advisers @adrianzenz and Eva Pils giving testimony. Full details👇 bundestag.de/ausschuesse/a1…
Today at 1700 CET the Bundestag Human Rights Committee will hear evidence of Genocide against Uyghurs. Questions will be led by #IPAC 🇩🇪 members @GydeJ and @MargareteBause, with #IPAC advisers @adrianzenz and Eva Pils giving testimony. Full details👇 bundestag.de/ausschuesse/a1…
Huawei row, O’Halloran detention threaten China’s relationship with Ireland | SCMP Featuring comment from #IPAC 🇮🇪 co-chairs Sen. @malcolmbyrne and Sen. @barrymward. scmp.com/news/china/dip…
Urgent Question raised in the UK House of Lords on state sponsored forced labour in Xinjiang. #IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair Baroness Helena Kennedy urges the UK to use 'Magnitsky' sanctions against Chinese officials responsible for abuses against Uyghurs. "Inaction becomes complicity."
#BREAKING: #IPAC co-chairs call on @UNHumanRights Chief @mbachelet to release long awaited report on violations against Uyghurs, before the #Beijing2022 Winter Olympics. As the world’s attention turns towards Beijing, the PRC government must be held to account for its actions.
#IPAC 🇧🇪 Co-Chair @SamuelCogolati MP leads scrutiny of Chinese tech firm Alibaba's branch at Liege Airport, Belgium. Under Chinese law Alibaba would have to pass sensitive data on Belgian citizens to servers in China, with access to security services. lecho.be/economie-polit…
#IPAC advisor @MahmutRahima echoes IPAC calls for legal investigations into alleged genocide and crimes against humanity after reports document state-run schemes to forcibly uproot and assimilate Uyghurs and other minority groups in the Xinjiang region. bbc.co.uk/news/world-asi…
📣Tomorrow #IPAC 🇳🇴 co-chair @Trinesg will speak at a human rights demonstration hosted by @amnesty in Oslo. The event will mark Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi’s visit to Norway. Full details below 👇 facebook.com/events/s/kina-…
The G-7 Must Talk About 3 Urgent Asia Issues | The Diplomat @benedictrogers writes on #IPAC calls for global supply chains reform in light of widespread Uyghur forced labour abuses. thediplomat.com/2021/06/the-g-…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 MEPs @EnginEroglu_FW @bueti @MiriamMLex @AnnaFotyga_PE call on 10 EU member states to terminate extradition treaties with P.R. China. These moves are vital to protecting Hong Kongers, Uyghurs, Tibetans and the Chinese diaspora in Europe. twitter.com/EnginEroglu_FW…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 members @AnnaFotyga_PE MEP and @MiriamMLex MEP lead calls for sponsors to drop support for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics on human rights concerns. The signatories call on sponsors to "prevent the Chinse Communist Party from exploiting these games for their own gain." twitter.com/AnnaFotyga_PE/…
Australian MPs condemn China's Hong Kong crackdown. #IPAC 🇦🇺 co-chair @kimbakit: "Australia must be a strong voice in standing up for the international order, and for the democratic values that we hold so dear, as do the people of Hong Kong." theage.com.au/world/asia/aus…
#IPAC Belgium 🇧🇪 co-chair @SamuelCogolati speaks to BBC World after receiving Chinese government sanctions. "as a democratically elected member of parliament, I cannot remain silent to testimonies from Uyghur refugees and verified information from objective reports."
#JPAC is closely coordinating with the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (#IPAC), which has 150 members across 17 parliaments. As a democratic country, we support a free, open, and rules-based international order that protects human dignity and free flow of ideas.